
Community Team
Community Team

340309_2020 Instcon Blog Banners (2).png

This template was designed to help unify the InstructureCon 2020 space. Start your blog by changing the title at the very top and by replacing this placeholder text with your own content. Also, remember to add a banner imageBefore publishing, add additional tags so your blog is easier to find by a keyword search. Please leave the colorful "Session Recap" image at the top, the cowboy hat at the bottom, and the pre-populated collection of tags.   <-- Now...delete all of this and start writing!



Read, delete, then write --> What was your favorite topic to discuss?



Read, delete, then write --> Give us the tl:dr on the topic. Why was this topic so exciting to you and your group?



Read, delete, then write --> What are your takeaways? Do you have any follow-up questions? Will you be trying something new or bringing anything specific back to your institution or classroom?




InstructureCon 2020‌

Read More Unconference Reflection Blogs