2022 Instructure Community Recap

Community Team
Community Team


Hello Instructure Community! 👋

As we begin 2023 with great anticipation, we want to note all of the wonderful activities that occurred in the Instructure Community throughout 2022. Community is about coming together, collaborating, and celebrating ongoing improvements in teaching and learning. You make that possible, and for that, thank you for everything you contribute to the ever-growing Community. 

If you post questions, share feedback on blogs, comment on ideas, or attend events, thank you. If you use the Community as a point of reference as you learn as an admin, instructor, student, or observer, thank you. If you use the Community resources as you support peers or others on your campus, thank you. You are all part of the reason why the Community continues to be the best way to learn about Canvas, Mastery, Elevate, and Impact.


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Together, we’re unstoppable. 

Here are some of the amazing things to note about the Instructure Community in 2022:

📝 Community Membership is booming! There are over 1.7 million registered members in the Community. In 2022, you contributed to: 

  • 53,866,564 page views
  • 29,498,496 visits
  • 54,817 average daily unique visitors


💛  You’re here and paying it forward. Instructure’s Community members are the best. Your participation brings life to the Community.

  • 6,335 new forum posts
  • 13,161 forum replies
  • 24,756 kudos given
  • 87 new blog posts
  • 1,340 blog comments


📚 Our learning continues. In 2022, the 2,690 guides received over 33 million views. Community members also watched over 182,345 hours of video content.


💬 The Product Blog continues to be a fan-favorite. While there are a number of valuable blogs in the Community, the Product Blog was the top-viewed blog in the Community in 2022! (Runner-up was the Canvas Instructional Designers blog.)

  • 76 new posts created by Product Managers and leadership
  • 226,917 views - 18.7% of all blog views!
  • 679 comments received and 1,558 kudos given


📋 Hubs and User Groups are expanding. Over 40 interest and user groups call the Community home, including a few new ones that started this year. 

  • 1.2 Million Community members participate in groups
  • Groups hosted 802 new posts and 2,762 replies
  • Top groups based on overall activity: Developers Group, Mobile Users Group, New Quizzes Hub, Community Hub


🗓The Canvas Question Forums is quite the resource. In 2022, the Canvas Question Forum, the largest forum in the Community, saw some serious crowd-sourcing and collaboration. We really are stronger when we work together.

  • 4,966 new questions created
  • 4,561 solutions accepted
  • 4,607,567 solutions viewed
  • 13,745 kudos given


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Let’s celebrate some Community super-stars!

The Community Team openly acknowledges that the Community itself wouldn’t be as successful as it is without you, our amazing Community members! No matter how you participate or contribute, each of you adds value to the Instructure Community. 

🙌 Throughout 2022, you awarded kudos to your fellow Community members. These are the most kudoed members of the year:

✍️ …and these individuals provided the greatest number of posts or replies! We admire your willingness to put yourself out there and share your experiences.

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Reflecting, Adapting, and Improving

The Community Team facilitated and implemented some pretty notable changes this year. We work diligently to create a Community space that responds to the Community members' needs and interests. Our hope is that our projects allow us to meet those goals and make it easy to support one another.

🏆 We’re happy to highlight our favorite Community-wide changes:


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2023? Let’s go!

As we kick-start 2023, many schools are starting new terms. Be sure to explore the Question Forums available for each product. If you have a question about functionality or application, please ask! If you are able to contribute time and expertise, see if there are any questions you might be able to answer for a fellow community member. 🌟

If you haven’t already done so, you’re encouraged to subscribe to the Instructure Weekly Highlights Blog. You’ll then automatically receive notifications about new editions, and it’ll be simpler than ever to keep track of all of the incredible things happening around the Community!

We’re excited to see where this year takes us, and we look forward to working with each of you. (Perhaps our paths will even cross at Instructurecon in Denver!) Again, we can’t thank you enough for being part of this wonderful Community, and we couldn’t accomplish what we do without your involvement.  🎉

We can’t wait to see what we accomplish in 2023 - TOGETHER.