Community Updates 2020-12-20: A Few Holiday Gifts for Our Community

Community Team
Community Team
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, amazing Community members!

We've been hard at work behind the scenes of the Community to improve the user experience. We know the transition to a new platform was not exactly easy, especially during an already difficult year. We learned a lot along the way and we're working on even more exciting things for you next year (no spoilers)!

For this holiday season our team has put together a few nice Community gifts that we hope you'll like and that will improve your time spent in our corner of the Internet.

But first, a cheesy poem to introduce these new features:

A few days are left of this horrible year

So we offer these gifts and some holiday cheer

To make this Community a better place

If you're reading a blog, you can now see a face!

And if you're scrolling a really long thread,

The author tag appears there in red.

And last but not least, this one's really cool,

We made a browser version checking tool.

In case that eloquent poetry didn't do it for you, we've released 3 new features in our Community this week: enhanced author biographies on blog posts, author tags in threads, and a browser version checker tool.

Enhanced Bios

If you publish a blog post (kind of like this one) anywhere in the Canvas Community, your biography (which you can and should add to your user profile) displays in the sidebar. Previously, this functionality was... less than desirable and very bland. We spruced things up and made author biographies look nice. The biography now displays your profile picture, first and last name (or username if you haven't added your first and last name to your profile), a link to your profile, and your biography. See for yourself:

Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 11.05.06 AM.png

Author Tags

I, for one, have scrolled through far too many long threads (looking at you, Idea Conversations) and forgot who the original author of the post or idea was. Back to the top I go to see who started off this conversation. No more scrolling required, since we've added an AUTHOR tag on thread replies. The bright red author tag displays next to the original author's name on all of our thread replies, allowing anyone reading the thread to easily identify the author.

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Browser Version Checker

Many users have been asking for something like this for years and this year we delivered. Currently, the browser version checker tool only applies to the Canvas browser requirements and lives in the Canvas browser requirements guide. We have plans to expand functionality of this tool and make it available in more places in the Community. The tool checks the user's browser and version against our list of supported browser and versions and displays a green checkmark if the browser is up to date or a red X if the browser is not supported or is out of date. If the browser is out of date, a link displays to the latest version of the browser. On mobile devices, the tool provides links to the Canvas mobile apps.

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A small caveat: this tool isn't perfect and is provided for information only. Some functionality is limited, so please don't use this tool as the ultimate source of truth.

We hope this tool can provide better troubleshooting for all Canvas users. Feel free to link to this tool to provide students, teachers, and parents an easy way to check browser compatibility.

We are continuously looking for ways to improve the Canvas Community and make it a better place for Canvas users everywhere. Thanks for being here and contributing to this amazing, collaborative community. We couldn't do it without you!

Community Champion

Thank you, @nathanatkinson !

These are some great changes, and I like the first ones you listed the best. They help this place to be what it needs to be - a community! I and many of my fellow Community Coaches have commented since the move that this new place does not have the feel of a community like the old one did. It has some great features and some useful tools, it has been organized to be a bit cleaner, but it just didn't feel like a community. The biggest cause was that we just could not easily tell who we are talking to. There were many folks in the old community that I had never met in person, and yet they felt like old friends - and just because I could connect them to a real name.

Thank you, and give my thanks to the rest of your team!

Happy New Year, and stay safe!


Community Novice

We understand that the transition to a new platform may have had its challenges, especially during such a difficult year. We appreciate your dedication and the lessons learned along the way.