Data and Analytics Group Discussions

Data and Analytics Group questions and discussion forum

I a setting up a query to check for users that need to be removed from our system. We allocated two fields that would be helpful user_email and created_by_sis. However, I can not find them in canvas data tables. Can anyone help?

  • 3 Replies

Hello - I've received three requests to report on faculty use of media comments as submission feedback. As we are aware, CD1 does not have data points for media comments.  Upon review of the upcoming CD2 schema, I see submission_comments columns for ...

  • 2 Replies

Hi- I keep getting this error. Any ideas?   canvasDataCli sync -c config.js fetching current list of files from API... no files exist for account, cannot sync an error occured [ApiError] {   errorCode: 404,

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hello everyone, At our institute, we still have to start with the use of Canvas Data and we are orienting ourselves on different aspects of Canvas Data. Should we self-host or use Amazon Redshift, which analytical tools should we use how, can we use ...

  • 2 Replies

I'm trying to retrieve all of the tables at dates in the past to get a consistent picture for that date.   So I ran a list command to identify the datadump id and then ran a grab for selected data dumps.  What I'm finding is that very old data dumps ...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hi, would anybody have a Google Data Studio Dashboard template for Canvas courses they like to share? I am new to Google DS and ran into some issues displaying data correctly. If I could look at a dashboard template I might find some solutions.  Many...

  • 3 Replies

In case you missed the Instructurecon Canvas Data 2 presentation: What to expect

  • 2 Replies

The same question was asked three years ago but I can't find a good answer. I can't retrieve  grading_period_fact, grading_period_score_fact, grading_period_dim,  grading_period_group_dim, grading_period_score_dim tables from Canvas using API call. I...

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Data and Analytics Group
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hi, all Washington State University has recently moved to Canvas and we are pilot testing an early academic warning system in some of our 100-level courses.  We’re looking for a consistent and scalable way to pull scores on a set of early assignments...

  • 3 Replies

Hello All,   I am new to being a Canvas Admin so if this sounds dumb it might be.   We are trying to find a way to make a custom report due to large groups of students being on quarantine, we would like to create a group with those students and see ...

  • 10 Replies

I've started a Git Repo dedicated to Canvas Data Queries: reynlds-illinois/canvas_data_queries: Canvas Data queries through Athena on AWS. ( Over the next few days I'll be uploading everything I've written so far. I'm also going to be coll...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hi, I have heard that it is possible to distinguish Canvas users who are added by an SIS process vs. manually added users.  We would like to know what the relevant Canvas data attribute would be to distinguish them.  We need to remove some previously...

  • 6 Replies

Since we are using RedShelf LTI is there a way to do a report out of canvas to pull the Course ID numbers out without having to go into each course one at a time. I was able to write a SQL statement to do this for our Moodle instance but would like t...

  • 2 Replies

Hi Friends and Community !   I'm a data engineer from ACUE, please excuse me if this has been asked and updated already, but I wonder what is the latest status on Canvas Data 2 ? Is it already production ready ? I read through all the links I can fin...

  • 5 Replies

Sharing some findings from testing we did exploring this question. Problem/Question One of the schools we work with wanted to create a visual showing discussion activity with details about who originally created the topic or thread.  They discovered ...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hello, I am new to the Data Services work.  We have been on Canvas for about a year and half. I am trying to gather some information for the dean's office. We create a TA role for some of our full-time faculty that is used to observe the adjuncts' cl...

  • 4 Replies

I'm relying on Canvas Data API (actually using this Python wrapper) to extract data for institutional research. The FAQ in this forum says "due to the nature and potential size of the requests table, we only provide the previous day's data." Does it ...

  • 2 Replies

I can now retrieve data from Canvas Data 2. My DAP version is 1.0.18.  Since it is so different from canvasdatacli, I was curious if anyone was working on processes to retrieve data and load it into AWS S3.

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Data and Analytics Group
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I have a case open - but I was curious if pseudonym_dim and pseudonym_fact disappeared from canvas data I  in any other schools.   I noticed it on 6/24/2021.

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 7 Replies

I want to identify from Canvas Data if "do not count this assignment towards the final grade" is checked for any assignment, but I don't find this info from assignment_dim/fact tables. Is there anyway to get this information from the data? Actually t...

  • 4 Replies

I was trying to create some analytics around quiz submissions across multiple courses, but I noted that quiz_submission_dim and _fact don't match. Delving deeper I find that submissions to quizzes that are not graded assignments are only included in ...

  • 3 Replies

Hi @erinhmcmillan , Would it be possible to get an update on Instructure's plans for CD2? There had been an item on the March 2021 roadmap regarding CD2 (beta?) availability, but now that March has come and gone I can't find any other mention of it (...

  • 1 Replies

It looks like the answer is "yes" judging from some other posts from the last few months, but since no one posted my exact issue I'm going to hope the answer is "you doing it wrong" We've been waiting for CD2, and since the closed beta feels close I ...

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Data and Analytics Group
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We're seeing some funky results in the workflow_state of some users in our data, and I'm looking for some definitions of terms. Possible statuses are: creation_pending deleted pre_registered registered There are no definitions in the documentation. I...

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Data and Analytics Group
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I'm working with some canvas data flat files, and I noticed that the majority of items in discussion_entry_fact have a null course_id value. Can anyone tell me what these entries are? How could a discussion reply not be affiliated with a course? I jo...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hello All and @msmith    We have been using Canvas API  for GET analytics/ activity/page_views/ participations   Since we have over 40K students, it takes really long time to get each record 1 by 1. So addition, we recently obtained access to A...

  • 3 Replies

I've got Canvas Data coming in to my AWS environment by following this guide: Build a Canvas Data Warehouse on AWS in 30 minutes... - Canvas Community ( However, I'd like to do something similar in Azure. Without building it from scratc...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hi, While installing the data-access-platform-cli I received the following warning. npm WARN deprecated axios@0.19.2: Critical security vulnerability fixed in v0.21.1. For more information, see I installed the...

Community Explorer
Data and Analytics Group
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Hi --I'm trying to use the Canvas Data 2 API, and I'm getting 500 errors when I call the /getCompacted/<tableName> endpoint (seemingly with any table). The error message is:"Unexpected key 'StartAfter' found in params"however I am not including the S...

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Data and Analytics Group
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