Data and Analytics Group Discussions

Data and Analytics Group questions and discussion forum

is anyone encountering this error message on canvas analytics? is it temporary?

  • 2 Replies

After upgrading to version 0.3.2 of the instructure-dap-client python library, I'm trying to use the dap tool to fetch some tables. Most of the time I'm getting errors like this:  dap syncdb --table accounts2023-03-29 16:08:39,614 - INFO - Query sta...

  • 37 Replies

Now that I have some CD2 data, I'm trying to understand it.Maybe this is old hat to the CD1 folk.  But as I look at the Courses workflow_state they seem to be different than the API workflow_stateAPIavailablecompleteddeletedunpublishedCD2availablecre...

  • 4 Replies

With Canvas Data 1 we could give specific users access to the data. This would allow us to have users that can use Canvas Data, but not have admin access to anything outside of that. We have data professionals in other departments who are allowed acc...

  • 1 Replies

Our Institution was part of CD2 Beta Phase, we used the identity service and was able to generate the API key and accessed the DB snapshot etc.Now that CD2 is available as general availability, we want to generate an API key not associated with a can...

  • 7 Replies

Hello Canvas community, We're a startup trying to make an app that integrates with Canvas. But we don't have access to populated datasets for real college courses. Our goal is to make a proof of concept so we can narrow down the Canvas Dev API to onl...

  • 2 Replies

We wanted a way to import selected data from selected Canvas tables into a Microsoft SQL Server instance in a way that can be scheduled for automation and required the smallest number of dependencies and tools.  Using canvas-data-cli, we were able to...

  • 4 Replies

Even though some workarounds have been pointed out for other parts of Canvas, so users can see Mon-Sun weeks (like changing the language settings to English UK), that does not work when running the New Analytics Online Attendance option. It would be ...

  • 2 Replies

1. Can it be opened in full screen to avoid scrolling?2. Will you build an export function for SIS's like Anthology Student?Thank you.Dr. Kiko Suarez

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Data and Analytics Group
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I created a chart report that shows our numbers of published & unpublished courses year over year. One thing I'd like to exclude is courses with 0 enrollments. These courses would never be published, so it skews the results.I created a new column in ...

  • 2 Replies

Hi everyone.  Does anyone know a tool or workaround to identify which courses have assignments with outdated due dates?  We need to ensure all due dates have been updated to be within the confines of the current term.  We are using AspireEDU Dropout ...

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 2 Replies

Hello,I need to see who has been enrolled in all courses in one Term. I have ran the Provisioning Courses report and the Provisioning Enrollments report and I am not getting the information for anyone that has not accepted the enrollment. How do I ge...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,We are starting to use the canvas data service with the caliper schema to integrate with other apps. Does anybody knows what happens if when instructure send the request an it returns a html code different to 200?? Does the instructure retry to se...

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 0 Replies

I'm unsure how to go about making copies of data from external LTIs that are part of a given set of notes, e.g. quizlet, Duolingo, Geogebra, etc.

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 0 Replies

The schema says quiz_submission_historical_dim contains "Attributes for all submitted quizzes" which lead me to believe I would be able to find the dates of each submission.  However, at least in our data, the only items in this table with data in th...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I am trying to get files from the Canvas Data Portal that we can read and use. We have used the 7Zip file reader to open the gz files as recommended and we can get a couple of fields to show, but the rest of the fields are errors and the field...

  • 9 Replies

My boss and I are looking for ways to audit the list of apps that have been integrated at the account level. Ideally, we'd be able to check how often they are used as links or external tools for assignments at the course level. Is there a data-driven...

  • 6 Replies

Thanks to another post on this board, I found out that New Quizzes data is not included in Canvas Data. I asked our SCM about what other data is not included, and he referred us to Account Services. They recommended that I look at the schemas, but th...

  • 1 Replies

Hello there.  I attached what I found about Studio data.  It is useful, but not what I need.  I want to answer a question that will inform decisions about media production resources. My question is pretty basic.  "Are students viewing our Canvas Stud...

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 0 Replies

Submissions data for New Quizzes don't appear in the quiz submission dim or are exportable from the UI in the way the original quizzes were.  The FAQ only says that an API will be created one day.  Does anyone know if there's a way to download all Ne...

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 2 Replies

I would be willing to hire a consultant who can help us set up some scripts and teach us how to run them.  We are looking for a daily dashboard that the Assistant Dean could use to answer questions like, "Of all teachers with published courses in Can...

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 18 Replies

Yesterday I was looking at the number of published courses for our Summer 1 term. When I looked at yesterday's course_dim workflow_status, it showed X number of courses as Active -- assuming that is the indicator that a course is published. However, ...

  • 4 Replies

I was recently tasked by the college leadership to figure out a way to get more data out of Canvas. How hard could that be right? After poking at the request for a few weeks like it was a dead rat, I decided to give Canvas Data a try. The result was ...

  • 11 Replies

We're finally getting back to setting up CD2. A year ago, when we tested it, we were using data-access-platform-cli 3.0.0.That version is no longer available on npm; most recent is v 3.1.4.However, when we try to use the dap command, we're getting an...

  • 3 Replies

Our institution is looking for a way to pull a list of all quiz accommodations (New Quizzes) that have been added to students in all courses in the current term, for auditing purposes. Our CSM has recommended we sign up for Managed Teaching & Learnin...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to identify daily request data before I load the files into database or S3 bucket.  I only need data from Aug 2021 to Mar 2022.  I am using get_sync_file_urls to get all the URLs for the request data.  What I noticed is URL has "daily dat...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hi, I'm trying to write a script to download Migration Exception Logs for ~200 courses.  My plan is to use the endpoints below to get the list of courses, get the Migration Exception Log for each course, and load that in Power BI. That will allow us ...

  • 2 Replies

While I'm no programmer, I am trying my hardest to understand API calls and running scripts. I know of this API call: GET: /v1/external_tools/visible_course_nav_tools Can this API, combined with some scripting, allow me to identify whether or not a s...

Community Contributor
Data and Analytics Group
  • 1 Replies

Hi Canvas Data Community,    I looked at course_dim and did not found any reference to if that course is a blueprint or not, and about the associations that blueprint has. Is this kind of data in Canvas Data? Regards, As.

  • 3 Replies

Hi Canvas Community! I used canvas for almost 5 years and now i'm backing to it as a freelancer working with reports (Canvas Data, Pbi). One of the requests i have is to help the institution to know about failed loging attempts. With that, they can r...

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 0 Replies