Data and Analytics Group Discussions

Data and Analytics Group questions and discussion forum

Would be nice to have a place to collect Canvas Data queries to share among the community. I've been doing this for years with Bb and have amassed hundreds of queries, and Bb maintains a public collection for their new Bb Data platform. 

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 1 Replies

Hi @oxana --I'm getting errors (see below) using the nodejs dap CLI (version 1.0.18), and after digging in deeper I found that some of the data files are now gzipped.  It seems to me that the dap CLI isn't handling these files properly. I also notice...

  • 4 Replies

In the regular Submission API there are fields for "excused", "missing", and "late". Is the "late" field also in Canvas Data anywhere? submission_dim has "workflow_state" which can give me missing, and "excused" to give me excused, but I don't see a ...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hi,We have been seeing duplicate records, (i.e. identical records),  in requests data since 8th October. 1-8 thousand per day, no apparent pattern. Also, for the last few days requests data has included an additional 12 hours of records. I've raised ...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hey,We are working on a project within our school to visualize the data using Canvas Data. We would like to know when Canvas Data 2 will be released. Is the release on a separate date for each school or is it the same for everyone. We have already se...

  • 1 Replies

Good morning!I am exporting student CSV files to review which devices students use to access courses, as well as which tools students with devices. In the CSV export there is a Render Time field and Interaction_Seconds field. What do these two fields...

  • 1 Replies

HiI am very new to using Power BI, I am keen to build some LMS analytics in Power BI. Would anyone be kind to sample templates or direct me to where I can find some to work with?Many thanks.

  • 13 Replies

Hi -We are using a custom download to access outcome data from Canvas (basically a modified Outcomes Results report). The one glitch we have found is that we are unable to download the outcomes that are not yet assessed (unscored) but already in a ru...

  • 1 Replies

Hi,Is there documentation available for the CD2 API? Also, the NPM page for the CD2 cli tool points to an internal source code repository; will this be open-sourced at some point?If either or both of these items are available, I think they'd be good ...

  • 4 Replies

I am looking for some ideas, how to teach PE on canvas? 

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Data and Analytics Group
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I'm looking for the best way to extract all user quiz responses across my entire organization.  For example, I have a post-course survey that collects feedback in the form of multiple choice questions and essay questions.  I want to see the individua...

  • 4 Replies

Does anyone know if the outcomes tables are complete in Canvas Data?I can create the report I need using the API, grabbing the following information :api/v1/accounts/#{account_id}/outcome_groups?per_page=100outcome_group_id, outcome_group_title, pare...

Community Contributor
Data and Analytics Group
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We ran into some weird data while parsing the canvas tables which we were hoping you can explain àIssue - Student has an assignment record in CANVAS_SUMISSION_FACT but does not have a record in CANVAS_SUBMISSION_DIMCanvasUserid - '242384501320919508'...

Community Champion
Data and Analytics Group
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I have been using this for new conversations created, I have an issue that every now and again it doesn't pass through the conversation id in the body. So it makes difficult to keep it consistent.Has anyone else experienced this issue?

  • 5 Replies

Hello,I am being asked to pull in metrics from Canvas into Power BI.  Any assistance would be appreciated.  I have reviewed the Developer Key Creation.  Unsure how to tie it together.Thanks,Mo

  • 3 Replies

Is anyone seeing a set of duplicate records appearing in the file_dim file?  My data load failed last night with this error on the file_dim load.Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: SQL Server Native Client : bcp_batch failed (sql state = 23000,01000) :...

  • 3 Replies

The past two mornings, a subset of files in the data export contain data from the wrong tables. Later in the day, we notice that the exports have been corrected. We use the CLI tool to download and unpack the data exports. Is this something others ar...

Community Explorer
Data and Analytics Group
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Good day,I've been directed to this forum and i hope someone can assist me.I know that Multiple markers/assessors can mark an assignment and a moderator of sorts can chose the final mark.I've been told that the rubric reviews stay as part of the asse...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way in which I can get data regarding chat activity in courses? I have been looking in the Canvas Data tables, but can't find anything particularly useful. Also, the API doesn't seem to have anything. Does anyone have any suggestions, plea...

  • 2 Replies

When I pull a canvas provisioning report I see a status column that lists courses as unpublished or published. Makes perfect sense. At my school we use oracle and have a reporting dashboard provided by OIT. When I search for unpublished courses I hav...

  • 6 Replies

I'm trying to calculate the average number of times a student logs into Canvas, on an iPad, by program and term. I've been searching Canvas Data that's imported in our data warehouse to see if this exists.In pseudonym_dim you have last_login_at, curr...

  • 4 Replies

Hello,I've been testing adding outcomes to my courses on the free for teachers site (  )In doing this, I've created/deleted a lot of courses to start fresh every now and again. What I've run into is that when I import an...

  • 2 Replies

Anyone using Talend to connect to the redshift database?

  • 1 Replies