Fix column sorting in Gradebook


Gradebook sorting by the due date also includes more than just assignments to everyone. Currently if you auto-sort by date it works for assignments that you assigned to everyone but if you had to break it by period for any reason it doesn't sort those, always placing to the far left when newest to oldest and vice versa. This also happens even if filtered by period.

All assignments should be able to sort by date regardless if posted to everyone or specific periods. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating


Thanks for sharing this idea. How are "periods" defined at your school? Are these sections that have been cross-listed into a single course? Or multiple grading periods?

Community Member

Periods are sections that are cross-listed into a single course. Which is great except in this current instance. There are two ways it shows up: 1. Completely different assignments are due to wanting different links, i.e. Desmos or 2. One assignment/quiz but different times of access per period.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for confirming that. We will move this forward as a request for the 'View/Arrange by due date' setting in the gradebook to respect differentiated assignments in sections.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

Yes please! With the hybrid model, only "hybrid section A" may be assigned an assignment when at home, but I'd like that to be sorted by date in my gradebook.  However, Canvas does not recognize the assigned due date unless it is assigned to everyone. 

Community Explorer

I am having an issue with the arrange by date. I have checked all my due dates, and I have an assignment due 1/8 next to an assignment due 1/29 when there were other assignments in between them. They are not chronological at all. This needs to be fixed. I have read the instructional guide by Canvas about grade books, and it says this doesn't work for "assignments to show in order by due date the assignments would need to have one due date and be assigned to "Everyone" in the course." There are times where we need to differentiate assignments and have to assign individuals to certain tasks. This is something that needs to be addressed on your end. Arranging by date should do just that...arrange all by due date regardless of who they are assigned to. 


Community Member

I would like the option for ALL assignments to be organized by due date even if they aren't assigned to everyone.

Currently, differentiated assignments that aren't assigned to everyone can only be sorted alphabetically. It messes up my gradebook visually and makes it harder to find as the quarter progresses. 

Community Explorer

It is imperative that your grade book can sort by due date with differentiated due dates. Our school has a block schedule, so opening or closing assignments on different dates is very likely to occur. Additionally, when we do quizzes, we open the quiz for their class period. Plus any students that have to make up the quiz later due to absence.

By not supporting differentiated assignments in your grade book, you discourage use of that feature, which is integral to my continued use of Canvas. If I cannot sort by due date, it makes it difficult to determine trends in work completion, recent changes in behavior/warning signs, and more. If I cannot reliably do that, I will just move back to paper submissions and Canvas adds nothing to my classes.

Community Explorer

There has got to be a way to sort by due date, even if there are multiple due dates within the assignment.  The dates will likely be at least close enough together in time that if you choose ONE of the due dates when there are multiple, the assignment will sort to the right place or very close to the right place.

Community Member

I also agree that ALL assignments should be able to be sorted by date, not just the assignments assigned to everyone. Very frustrating to see the ones out of order to the far left. Please fix!

Community Participant

This is pretty frustrating. I get the difficulty of trying to juggle multiple due dates/times, but it seems like if you filter by section first, you ought to be able to then be able to sort the assignments by due date so long as there's one due date/time for the section.

Community Member

I have this same issue with our teachers.  We want to be able to see longitudinally how a student is doing over time in the Gradebook.  We also want to keep the most recent assignments to the left to make it easy to see who has submitted the most recent work.  Ordering the assignments by due date is one way to do this.  We also use block scheduling so have multiple sections of the same course, meeting on different days, thus necessitating different due dates.  This would be a very useful enhancement.  

Community Contributor

We just hit this same issue. Nearly all assignments in one of courses are differentiated, which means the only way to arrange them is alphabetically. Our teachers were hoping for better functionality. From the gradebook, it isn't easy to tell which assignments are differentiated, so it also makes it confusing to understand what is/is not sorted and how it is sorted.

Community Member

One of our teachers found a workaround for this:

Prepend each assignment with a number/decimal, e.g. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc. that is larger for later due dates.  Then "Arrange" by alphabet A-Z or Z-A.  The numbering system is honored in the arranging, thus mimicking arranging by due date.


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