More built in reports for Canvas Admin's


I'd love to have more variety with the admin reports. Yes I know you can get pretty much everything through API calls, which we do a lot of, but for your average admin user (one one without a dedicated IT staff) it would be great to be able to define a few variables, click a button, and get the data! Poof. Magic. dream


The example included with this post is from Chris who shared that in his previous LMS he could create his own reports based on all kinds of different data.  He could pick and choose what data he wanted and create his own spreadsheets.



Community Coach
Community Coach

Yay!! I can't wait!!

Community Novice

Will that ODBC-data also be available for the end users, like teachers? Or will it only be available by the school?


Hello  @m_veldhuijzen ​,

Canvas Data (aka Hosted Data) will be available to admins via the analytics tools only, letting institutions decide how to consume and disseminate their data.  Long term we may surface more data back into Canvas for teachers, students and admins to view and take action on but that will not happen in the short term.  Thank you for the good question.

Community Novice

Is Hosted Data a separate, add-on product that we would have to purchase? It should not be. We just want easy GUI access to our own data. 🙂


Hi Helen,

I believe the plan is that all Canvas using institutions will be able to download a snapshot of their data periodically (once weekly maybe?) at no additional cost.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi Helen and Scott, yes, here is what we have planned for Canvas Data (formerly called Hosted Data):

Basic access to Canvas Data is available to all Canvas clients at no additional cost. Enhanced, premium services are available for an added subscription fee. 

Basic access:  Flat file download, Data refreshed monthly

Premium:  Data refreshed nightly; Available as a flat file download.

Premium Online: Data refreshed nightly; Available online in a hosted data environment.


Thanks, Linda.  That is very helpful.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Deactivated user​, is there going to be an InstructureCon session on this?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @kona ​, yes!  here are the sessions where we will be presenting Canvas Data:

Canvas Product Roadmap

Thursday, Jun 18th, 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm General Session, Sundial Tent

Using Data for Insight: Case Studies with Canvas Data

Thursday, Jun 18th, 2015     3:15 - 3:45pm        Escala A

Defying Gravity with Data: Using Canvas Data with Partner Analytics Providers

Thursday, Jun 18th, 2015     4:15 - 4:45pm        Escala A

Hope to see you there!


Community Team
Community Team

The timeline and updates to the project can also be found at Canvas Studio: Canvas Data (Hosted data service)

Community Contributor

This may be obvious, but important not to miss: Reports need to be filtered by the course state; For instance we would want to be able to filter by all courses that are currently active and published.

At the University of Michigan we have built our own reporting tool using the APIs. It essentially provides details (course name, instructor name, course URL, Course ID, parent sub-accounts, instructor emails, etc.) for published courses for a given term. It would be grand to see a native report in Canvas to serve these functions.

The admin reports should also include information on LTI tools (course placements, # of placements, # launches, etc.). We have tried using the available APIs to glean this information, but have not been very successful.

Community Contributor

Hey Admins,

I trying to get votes for a notification report on SIS imports.  It is difficult for admin items to get votes, since there fewer of us than instructors.

Please help pass the word.  SIS Import Notifications

I would appreciate the help from other admins to get us some addition tools.

Community Champion

I gave it my vote and asked for my team here to do the same.

Community Contributor

Thanks David

Community Participant

 @lindsay_shawn ‌ FYI- this is in development.

Community Novice

I would really like to see an option when exporting a Grades report to include a "Group" for the student if they have been assigned to a group. Right now we have to export two different reports, one for grades and one for group membership, then in Excel do a VLOOKUP to match on SSID to return the Group name. It works but is more added effort every time we have to run a grade report. Seems like it shouldn't be hard to include Group in the grade report.

Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.