Stock Bitmoji images can be dragged into WYSIWIG editor, but custom, ad-hoc Bitmojis cannot?

Community Member

I have installed the Bitmoji Chrome extension, which enables you to quickly generate Bitmojis and drag-drop them onto the WYSIWIG editor for inclusion in posts/discussions/pages etc.  However, if I type a search phrase and Bitmoji generates a custom image, for some reason I cannot drag it in.  It just shows up as a blank in the WYSIWIG editor.  

I have determined that this is a Canvas-specific issue... dragging/dropping custom bitmojis into other web-apps & destinations works perfectly fine.

I am using the workaround of downloading the bitmoji image to my computer and then adding it as an image in the WYSIWIG editor in the conventional way.  It works, but it's much less efficient than a simple drag-drop. 

Any thoughts?  Thanks!

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