Reinvent the wheel--OER and Commons Notes

Community Participant
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There's always room for improvement--don't be afraid to improve the wheel.


The link to the presentation is in the comments on this session in the Community

It's a journey that is about the design--the quality of the resources matters

Getting away from designing courses around a TOC

OERs defined: OpenStaxs etc.

Also tons of digital resources--courses, modules, quizzes, etc.

All are public domain or CC licensed

OERs generally permit free use and repurposing

Tl;dr--sharing is caring and shouldn't we all care

Canvas content that can be moved to our instance

Its free any anyone can take it. (consider this)

They also have good lib resources like we do (OER squared)

Don't work in silos

Form in commons that can be used to compile resources on OREs

Using Commons

Reach out to the leaders in the community

Use collaboration and peer review

You can ask for a community review on anything you add--and you can ask for individual modules to be reviewed or whole course

Don't fall in love with your classroom--be willing to make improvements and let the community help you by the review feature

Melissa Adams is the librarian presenting if you want to search for her commons materials.

Just replacing the textbook with OER is like driving a plane down the highway instead of flying

Use it to create more things that reach beyond the boundaries of the classroom and live on after the term ends.

90% of edu is encouragement

Everything they talked about is in Commons



I didn't know you can have materials peer reviewed in Commons--I may have to do this with the Freshmen orientation course I teach.
