InstCarn Recap: Day 2 - Session 2 - Canvas Levels of Learning

Community Coach
Community Coach


Playing increases learning and makes it fun! 

Session Notes

Step Right Up, Grab Coins and Level Up with Canvas Levels of Learning

 @BradMoser  | Director of Blended Learning | Blue Valley School District

 @hgaller  | Educator | Blue Valley School District


Canvas LOL LIVE course in the Free for Teacher domain.
Video games are fun and challenging.
Let’s play!
Created 3 levels of learning with 6 coin badges to earn. Once you have the coins you unlock the castle.
Created quizzes/question banks for different levels of questions.
Final task was to create a screencast submitted as an assignment with rubric. This allowed for meaningful feedback and gave great insight into what teachers were doing in their course.
Module set up to release based on the completion of a quiz.
They use Badgr because it’s RAD!
There are a total of 22 badges.
Used Google Draw to make it easy to modify.
Used this to begin microcredentialing. Badgr just released paths.
Developed swag to give out to faculty to promote.
Canvas Common has the LOL course.
Tips for starting a microcredentaling
  • Test the different platforms
  • Figure out what the badge means
  • How does it all organize

*All of the content here is from my live session notes or straight from my memory. This means that I may miss something or be mistaken in my content. Please feel free to add to, put in context, or correct any mistakes by using the comments below.