[ARCHIVED] Help! Please!

Community Champion
I got an email this morning from a teacher, "I know that we have a large amount of money committed to Canvas but I was wondering if anyone has ever asked the students if they prefer Google Classroom to Canvas?  I was thinking about this today when I had a student stop down upset about last term and the use of Canvas.  They disliked online tests and prefer paper tests. Thoughts on this?  I feel like student input is valuable in the process."
Rather than reply via email, I walked over to speak to him in person. Apparently, he was told that within 2 years, all formative and summative tests would need to be delivered via Canvas. No one has spoke to me about this - ever. (I'm the Canvas Admin - Instructional Technology Coordinator. We have a Canvas subscription for 2000 6th-12th grade students. Data collected in May showed that of the 50% of the teachers that replied, 33 use Canvas, 19 use Google Classroom, 10 use both and 11 use nothing.)
Not wanting to stir a big pot about a mandate at this point,  I listened and made some points about it being easier to use Canvas when all teachers and students were using it and that I have heard several students (and graduates) say that they wish all teachers used Canvas.  I talked about Digital Literacy and the need for students (and teachers) to feel comfortable trying new things. I gave the example of a sophomore thinking that something was wrong with her Chromebook because her Canvas classes weren't showing up (none of her teachers were using Canvas, so none of her classes were published). I also gave the example that almost every single middle school student has 5-10 Canvas courses published. 
Today, this teacher went on to ask all 4 classes about Canvas and Google Classroom. His data showed that 2/100 students like Canvas. They gave various reasons why, and I've now been invited to collect info from them. 
I also have teachers requesting the mandate to use Canvas - AND those that say, "I'll use it when they require me to use it." 
I would really appreciate your thoughts on how I should reply. I've read many of your comments about Google Classroom comparisons and we heavily use the LTI, as well as the KAMI and EdPuzzle LTI. Forgive the tag. Thanks.
 @kblack ‌  @jayoder ‌  @KristinL ‌ lph‌  @mjoaquin ‌  @Bobby2 ‌  @jacobsc ‌  @GideonWilliams ‌
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