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I am the school admin, I have created an assessment - but the teachers I am trying to share it with can't "see" me.  I have followed them.  They are unable to see me in the community to follow me back.They also cannot see the assessment I created.Tha...

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When I clone an assessment, my questions are not cloned.  Why?  It's pointless to clone an assessment without the questions.Teacher

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How do I input an assessment question that has multiple parts? Please see examples in screenshots.

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Can you add multiple reading passages to an assessment that includes tabs, similar to state testing? 

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Unable to print bubble sheets for my assessment. Is there something wrong with the system?

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We have multiple students at our school with the same first and last name. When adding students to the tracker, it is difficult to identify which "John Smith" is which. Is there a way to expand their info when adding students from the SIS to see thei...

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When I am logged in as Adm, it will not let me go to page 2 to check information on my teachers.

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Is there any way to monitor progress live while the students are taking an assessment?

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I created the trackers during our training session which was before we took the benchmark. The trackers list the names of the student and the score that they earned, but it does not show any information about the standards. Those columns are blank. S...

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I heard a rumor that it's possible to merge two trackers into one class. My school does not track students by class, but differentiates inside each class based on weighted vs. non-weighted grades. They split our rosters in PowerSchool and it forces u...

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I have been using MasteryConnect for years, and just today I tried to add an assessment to trackers and it says I need to Convert the Mastery Levels to match my trackers.  I noticed that they had added a mastery level called Exceeds Expectations to t...

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We are using Mastery Connect for benchmark testing and are having the problem of text to speech beginning to read the passage but then stopping.  The students have to repeatedly click stop and play over and over until the entire passage is read.  Has...

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My Benchmark assessment is not showing on MasteryConnect.  Trackers have been created and Benchmark has been assigned to my school.  

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When I go to my "all students" tracker to add the "individual class trackers" to it, it takes me to a list of all of the individual students instead of the other trackers I have created? How do I fix this so that it will let me add the trackers I hav...

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Is there a way to easily print all of our students' Narrative writing responses to a Predictive Assessment? My teachers want to give student feedback on a document.

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After my students write their answers to the prompt I put in comments about the assessment as I read it. However, when my students go in to view their graded assessment it shows up in HTML showing all the formatting and making it really difficult for...

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So, something that doesn't seem to be available on MasteryConnect assessments, is the ability to set up questions like Classification & Sorting, where they're worth more than 1 point, to give partial credit for the parts of the answers that are corre...

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Our teachers have created assessments through the portal and are in need of an overall average of the assessment. Is that a posibility?

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Last year, I was able to roll over questions bars and proficiency bars and the list of student names would pop up that applied to that level.  This year, this function is not active and it is missed a great deal. Can it please be brought back?

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Hello,I have a student who is unable to take the Benchmark Assessment in Mastery Connect.  Even though the student took the midterm exam in Mastery Connect, it is saying that she has no activities yet as if she has never accessed the program.  The di...

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I am missing 1 student in my trackers that I used the SIS to create class list.  I have tried to search up how to manually add her and your help screens do not match what I am seeing on my screens.  For example: your help screen says to: 1. Open Trac...

  • 2 Replies

I was trying to get help with a Mastery Connect issue and clicked into Instructure Community.  However, I cannot get out of this.  I use Clever to login to Mastery Connect (through my district) but it takes me immediately into Instructure Community. ...

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I have a duplicate tracker in Mastery Connect and I need to delete it- how do you delete?

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My students are retaking a unit test this week. It was a pretty long test so I do not want them to have to answer the ones that they already got correct. Is there a way to only reset the sections that they need support in? Someone told me to go to as...

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If a student accidentally submits an online assessment before it is complete, how can I reset the test for them to go back in and finish? Or delete the score altogether?

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Is there a way to reopen an assessment for an entire class to allow students to correct answers.  It would be helpful in math classes to have multiple attempts on some assessments.  The only way that I have found to reopen an assessment is to delete ...

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My students just finished their first Benchmark. When I pull up the report it shows all students as Blue (mastery). Obviously something is not correct. Please advise.

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I have a student who was taking his test with the class. He did not have access to the test before test time. After he answered 1 question, the system kicked him out and said he was finished and gave him a score of 1%. I followed the directions to re...

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Is there a way to release student answers to the students on a close math question. When I release the questions and answers to students they are only able to see if they got credit. It would help to show them what answer they typed. I can see this i...

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How do I add state standards to my student trackers?

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