What item types can I create in Mastery Connect?
You can create various types of items in Mastery Connect item banks. Students can take all item types online, and most item types can be printed.
Items can be one of the following:
- Standard - basic items that can be delivered online or printed
- Simple Technology Enhanced - TEIs that require simple interactions; most can be printed
- Advanced Technology Enhanced - TEIs with more complex interactions; some can be printed
Items can also be:
- Printable - Items can be printed.
- GradeCam compatible - Items can be scored using GradeCam.
- Automatically scored - Items are automatically scored when a student finishes taking the assessment.
- Manually scored - Items must be graded in the Performance Grader according to a rubric.
Every item type includes a question/stimulus, and requires interaction by the student when taken online. A description of each item type, examples, and other details are provided below.
- All assessments in Mastery Connect can be printed, but if an assessment contains unprintable item types, the placeholder text "This question was not included in the printed assessment as it is an unsupported question type" displays.
- If you are unable to enter text when creating an item of any type and you are using Chrome, you may need to disable the "Block third-party cookies and site data" option in your Chrome settings.
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice (Single Response)

A multiple choice item requires the student to select one response from a list of responses. You can use the multiple choice item type for true or false questions.
- Standard
- Printable
- GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Multiple Choice (Multiple Responses)

A multiple choice item that allows multiple responses requires the student to select one or more checkboxes from a list of responses.
- Item Type: Standard
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Choice Matrix

A choice matrix item requires the student to select a response to several related question stems have the same response choices. The choice matrix item type is often used for setting up related true or false questions.
- Item Type: Simple TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Fill in the Blanks (Cloze)
Cloze Association

A cloze association item is a fill-in-the-blank item that requires the student to drag and drop response options [1] to blank response locations [2].
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically graded
Cloze Dropdown

A cloze dropdown item is a fill-in-the-blank text-based item that requires students to click one or more drop-down menus and select an option.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically graded
Cloze Text

A cloze inline text item is an inline fill-in-the-blank text-based item that requires the student to enter a textural response into blank areas.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically graded
Label Image Drag and Drop

A label image drag and drop item shows the student an image containing blank response locations. The student must move a predetermined set of answer choices [1] into the blank locations [2].
- Item Type: Simple TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Image Dropdown

An image dropdown item is an image-based fill-in-the blank item that requires the student to click one or more drop-down menus [1] and select one of the response options [2].
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Classify, Match & Order

A classification item requires the student to drag and drop one or more responses [1] into specific table cells [2].
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Match List

A match list item requires the student to drag and drop predetermined response choices [1] to blank response locations [2].
- Item Type: Simple TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Order List

An order list item requires the student to drag and drop predetermined responses into a new order.
- Item Type: Simple TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Sort List
A sort list item requires the student to drag and drop predetermined response choices [1] from one column to another column [2], usually in a new order.
- Item Type: Simple TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Written & Recorded
Essay with Rich Text

An essay with rich text item requires the student to enter text into a text field. Students can format text as bold, underlined, or italicized [1]. Students can also add bullets or numbering to paragraphs [2].
- Item Type: Standard
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Manually scored with rubric
Essay (Plain Text)

An essay (plain text) item requires the student to enter text into a text field. The item author can allow students to cut, copy, and/or paste text.
- Item Type: Standard
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Manually scored with rubric
Short Text

A short text response question requires the student to enter a short amount text into a text field.
- Item Type: Standard
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Highlight and Drawing
Image Highlight

An image highlight item requires students use a mouse or touch-screen to draw on a provided image.
- The image highlight item type has been depreciated, and will no longer be updated.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Not printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Manually graded with a rubric

A Hotspot item requires the student to click one or more pre-determined highlighted sections (in any shape) of an image.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically graded
Simple Shading

A simple shading item requires the student to click boxes to fill in (shade) all or portions of a shape.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Not printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically graded

A highlight item requires the student to click one or more parts of provided text to highlight words, sentences, or paragraphs.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically graded

A drawing item requires students to use drawing-style tools, such as freehand drawing, segment drawing, compasses, and more.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Manually scored with rubric

The math item type requires students to enter a response into one of the math response boxes as set by the author.
- Item Type: Simple TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Formula Essay

A formula essay question requires the student to enter a response using their keyboard or calculator-style options.
- The formula essay item type has been depreciated, and will no longer be updated.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Manually scored with rubric
Math Formula

A math formula item requires the student to enter a response using their keyboard or calculator-style options.
- The math formula item type has been depreciated, and will no longer be updated.
- Item Type: Simple TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Image Cloze Math Formula

An image cloze math formula item is an image-based math item. It requires students to enter responses, using their keyboard or calculator-style options [1], into specific response locations on the image [2].
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Cloze Math Formula

A cloze math formula item is a fill-in-the-blank math item that requires students to enter mathematical responses, using their keyboard or calculator-style options [1], into one or more blank spots [2].
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Math Essay with Rich Text

A math essay with rich text item allows students to enter open-ended math-focused content.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Manually scored with rubric
Number Line Association

A number line association requires students to drag and drop each provided response [1] above a value on a number line [2].
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Number Line Plot

A number line plot question requires the student to click one or more tool icons [1] and plot points, segments, or rays on an interactive number line [2].
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Graph Plotting

A graph plotting item requires the student to use provided tools [1] to add points, lines, parabolas, circles, rays, segments, vectors, sine waves, or polygons on an interactive graph [2].
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
Simple Chart

A simple chart item requires the student to click and drag bars up or down. Bars can be static or interactive.
- Item Type: Advanced TEI
- Printable
- Not GradeCam compatible
- Automatically scored
If your institution has a paid Desmos upgrade, you can create Desmos math items. Learn more about creating a Desmos item type:
- How do I create a Desmos absolute value item?
- How do I create a Desmos area under curve item?
- How do I create a Desmos blank graph question item?
- How do I create a Desmos box-and-whisker item?
- How do I create a Desmos budget constraints item?
- How do I create a Desmos circle item?
- How do I create a Desmos cone item?
- How do I create a Desmos ellipse item?
- How do I create a Desmos exponential function item?
- How do I create a Desmos fraction addition item?
- How do I create a Desmos hyperbola item?
- How do I create a Desmos logarithm function item?
- How do I create a Desmos number line inequality item?
- How do I create a Desmos number line point item?
- How do I create a Desmos parabola by focus and directrix item?
- How do I create a Desmos parabola item?
- How do I create a Desmos point on a curve item?
- How do I create a Desmos polynomial by points item?
- How do I create a Desmos area & perimeter item?
- How do I create a Desmos sine and cosine graphs item?
- How do I create a Desmos slope-intercept item?
- How do I create a Desmos square root item?
- How do I create a Desmos supply & demand shift item?
- How do I create a Desmos triangle grid item?
- How do I create a Desmos two variable linear inequality item?
- How do I create a Desmos system of two variable linear inequalities item?
- How do I create a Desmos volume & surface area item?