Locating Item Banks (This Course)

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Working in an existing quiz (New Quiz type) with questions already built.  When I edit individual questions to add them to an Item Bank, if I use this feature to generate a new Item Bank, my expectation would be that said new Item Bank would be visible in the Item Banks interface under the "This Course" dropdown option.  However, the Item Bank is not there.  When I change the dropdown to "All Banks," the Item Bank is visible.  This seems counterintuitive to me.  Is this working as designed? Why wouldn't the new Item Bank built from within an existing quiz in a course be associated to that course?


Newly created Item Bank from within existing New Quiz question is somehow not associated to course?Newly created Item Bank from within existing New Quiz question is somehow not associated to course?

Relevant link: How do I create an item bank in New Quizzes?

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2 Solutions
Community Explorer

So, looking at this with some distance (and maybe a modicum of additional understanding of Item Bank functionality), I suppose this can be accomplished if  the original author of an Item Bank specifically shares said Item Bank with a particular course.  But it doesn't seem as though the creation of an Item Bank associates it to a course by default, even though you typically navigate to "Item Banks" in course navigation menu from within an individual Canvas course to create a new Item Bank.  Presumably, I'm finding this functionality difficult to follow due to the LTI nature of the tool.





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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Draykov,

I think you are correct with your last response.  I am going to move this question to the quiz group, as someone there may have more experience and information to share on this topic.


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