New Quiz Export-Import Formula Questions Broken

Community Member

I created a quiz (new quizzes) with mostly formula-based questions. I exported the quiz from the New Quiz menu and received a .zip file. I was going to share the file with someone, but wanted to test it first. When I imported the zip file into a sandbox course I have, the questions all showed up, but in the formula questions, most of the variables showed up as variables and not the numbers I had defined them to be. (i.e. if I had 5 variables....`a` `b` `c` `d` `e`, maybe one or two of them would show up as a number, but the rest would show just as I typed them here. 

The weird part is that there is a still a calculated answer in the box.

I've tried to click on the question to edit or see what is wrong, but the screen goes blank and freezes up. 

I'm including two screenshots of my original setup (the good one!), and a screenshot of what the imported quiz looks like. 


Anyone experienced something similar to this?