How do I view Announcements as an observer?

You can view course announcements from your dashboard and from the course Announcements page. You may also be able to view recent course announcements from the course home page.

On the course Announcements page, you can view all announcements in the course. You can also search and filter to view specific course announcements.

Learn more about receiving email Canvas notifications for course announcements.  

Open Announcements from Course Card Dashboard

View Announcements from Course Card Dashboard

If there are announcements in a course, you can quickly access the course announcements page from your Canvas dashboard. On the course card, click the Announcements icon.

View Recent Announcements on Course Home Page

If enabled by the course instructor, the course home page may display recent announcements [1]. To view an announcement, click the announcement [2].

Open Announcements

Open Announcements

In Course Navigation, click the Announcements link.

View Announcements

The Announcements Index page displays global settings at the top of the page [1], followed by the individual announcements [2].

Announcements are listed in reverse chronological order with the newest appearing first and the older announcements appearing towards the bottom.

View Announcement

An announcement includes three sections: the announcements toolbar [1], the announcement [2], and announcement replies [3].

View Announcement Toolbar

The announcement toolbar will remain at the top of the screen when you are viewing announcement replies.

To search for replies or specific authors, enter your terms in the search field [1].

To filter replies, click the All drop-down menu [2]. You can filter by all replies or unread replies.

To sort replies by newest or oldest, click the Sort button [3].

To view split screen, click the View Split Screen button [4].

To expand the threads, click the Expand Threads button [5].


View Announcement

The announcement includes important information about the announcement, including the announcement title [1] and description [2].

You can also view the name of the author [3], the date and time the announcement was published [4] or edited [5], and number of replies [6].

View Announcement Replies

Announcement replies display below the announcement.

View Announcement Threaded Replies

When viewing threaded announcement replies, you can collapse and expand the threaded discussion replies sidebar. When a threaded discussion reply is collapsed, you can view the reply indicators showing the number of unread and total replies.

To expand the threaded replies sidebar, click the # of replies link [1].

To mark replies as read/unread, click the Mark as Unread link [2].