Canvas Observer/Parent Discussions

Canvas Observer/Parent questions and discussion forum

In trying to fine tune some account permissions & roles, we are wanting to give the ability for a faculty member to add a support person to their course in an observer role to help consult or troubleshoot their course, but we don't faculty to be able...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Why can only instructors get access to the conversion tool of PDF or document, changing it into the alternate download form of mp3 or audio file?

  • 2 Replies

I've recently been exploring Observer Accounts and Pairing Codes.  We have a program at our school where some students have a mentor who comes along with them to classes (physically and virtually) and assists them in understanding and completing assi...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I submitted an assignment on canvas before a due data and all seemed normal. I checked a few days later and it said 'missing' but my assignment pdf was showing up as an attempt so I thought it was just some sort of simple glitch. Now that the ...

  • 4 Replies

Is there any possibility of enrolling multiple users to a course through Canvas live APIs.If yes , How to do that ?

  • 3 Replies

I seek to create the capacity to monitor and control a live social seminar in an in-person class on the Canvas platform. Testing the following functions has not been successful. Any help from the community would be very much appreciated.  The require...

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Canvas Question Forum
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When observers receive a notification, the embedded link takes them to the student/staff sign-in page.  Can that be changed to include the observer login page?

  • 1 Replies

professer wants us to sign project contracts with the canvas speed grader but the tools arnt popping up to do so? is it a user error on my end or there end?

  • 1 Replies

I have a Canvas teacher account and I want to become an observer for my son but I do not want to make a new account. is there a way to become an observer through my teacher account?

  • 2 Replies

Hello!I am an observer for my son in an online academy.  I use my personal email for that.I am a teacher in a different section of that academy. I use a school email for that.I am a student who uses Canvas. I use my personal email for that.The proble...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Like many high schools, we have some students serving as "peer tutors" in academic classes. Our students all have Canvas student accounts and normally have single-sign-on via an Active Directory integration. One teacher would like to have their stude...

  • 4 Replies

Is there a way to create a custom role in Canvas and give it only permission to read student grades without giving access to the course content including Quizzes and Quiz question banks?

  • 1 Replies

CONTEXT: My university requires that we use a Canvas course to present our faculty or tenure promotion dossiers. Unfortunately, as the first group of candidates to have to do this, I'm finding Canvas to be a real pain for this use. It's not working w...

  • 1 Replies

I am an observer. In previous years my student could reply to messages I sent to their Inbox. As of this school year, they can read my messages but the reply button is greyed out. Was this an intentional change?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am a parent and also teach using Canvas. The parent app holds very little value, and the only thing I can really do on it is check my children's grades. But even then, they are mixed together, not filtered by individual student. It's impossible to ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Good morning,I am new to canvas, if my child completes an assignment how an I able to see which problems she got incorrect? So that I can review this with my child. Also why does it have a lock on some classes and others do not have that. Is it corre...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi All! I'm trying to get the Parent App to work. I've paired the observer and the student. But the Parent App is showing that the learner has not submitted ANY work, when the learner has submitted a lot of work. Logging on from the browser shows the...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I want the parent app installed at my college, but IT say it is not secure and that a paired parent can view any students details on the course. Surely this is not true?See their email response below"The parent app was deployed and ready to use for a...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way for a Canvas Observer to view a list of missing assignments in currently enrolled courses?

  • 1 Replies

Hi there, so I've paired with both of my kids. I've confirmed this under Accounts/Observing. It shows both of them under "Students Being Observed". But when I go to the home page, I only see classes for one of the kids. This is on a desktop, via a we...

  • 2 Replies

As a parent, I'd like to get an export of all assignments in CSV or Excel format. Is there an easy to do this today?

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Canvas Question Forum
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As a parent, I want to have ONE place to go where I can easily see a list of all assignments, from all classes, that have not yet been turned in. Ideally this would be ordered by due date (past due at the top). Is there an easy way to see this today?

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Canvas Question Forum
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How can I tell if an assignment is turned in, but not yet graded or if it has not yet been turned in?

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Hello,   I really hope someone can help me with this. I have two kids that use canvas since 2020 and I have never been able to view their classes on the desktop or add them as students in the app. I was never given a pairing code or QR code, and don'...

  • 4 Replies

have an almost High Schooler, and a rising middle schooler. We use Canvas for school, but the school DOES NOT support the app at all. so we must have access to the internet at all times to check what homework is due when it is due. IS there an iphone...

  • 2 Replies

Hi all, What would be the best option in this scenario? Any tips to clean-up the dashboard and how to easily maneuver through Canvas as an observer?I have 2 studentsI am trying to find a way to see all of their assignments in a clear concise mannerIs...

  • 1 Replies

Would you say it's working well for you? It's our first year using it so just curious what others think about it?  Thanks  

  • 7 Replies

We have been trying to solve my daughter's Canvas issues for over a year. For every assignment, she submits the assignment per the standard submission process. For every assignment, she will get the submission receipt which shows "Submitted!" with a ...

  • 9 Replies

Hello! I'm wondering how to get the full view of all incomplete work for two students. At present I go to each class grade book and copy/paste grade book items into Word documents we use when catch up is needed. Someone please say a better way exists...

  • 5 Replies