Khanmigo Teacher Tools Now Available in Canvas for US K-12 and Higher Education Institutions



We’re thrilled to announce that Khannmigo Teacher Tools can now be enabled directly within Canvas! This powerful integration streamlines lesson planning and accelerates time-consuming tasks – all without leaving the LMS. The Khanmigo Teacher Tools integration is free for all US-based K-12 and Higher Education educators as part of their Canvas subscriptions. 

Visual of Khanmigo Teacher Tools integration in CanvasVisual of Khanmigo Teacher Tools integration in Canvas

What are Khanmigo Teacher Tools?

Khanmigo simplifies AI for educators. Without writing a single prompt, it can help co-create lesson plans, rubrics, exit tickets, and more. Learn more about the benefits on Khan Academy’s blog and on the Khanmigo Teacher Tools partner listing

How can my educators start using Khanmigo Teacher Tools in Canvas?

We’ve heard your feedback that you want to choose which integrations are available to your educators. For this reason, the integration is off by default, but can be installed in just a few easy steps. View the instructions here. Note that it can be configured at the sub-account level.  

What resources are available to learn more about the integration?

We’re here to help as you explore these new tools and bring them to your educators. 

General resources

For K-12 institutions

For Higher Education institutions

Community Contributor

I am very excited to test this out. 

Community Participant

Is there a way to install this for our account, but have the course navigation link hidden by default?  I'd like to enable this for our instance, but I'd like to allow our faculty the option to make it appear in their course nav.  Thanks.

Community Champion

Why free for just the US?

Community Participant

If we were really going to revolutionize this integration and product, under the export options, there should be options to 'create canvas page', or 'create canvas assignment'. It seems reasonable that it could create an API Call with the current course context (course_id) to post a new page with the content of the AI-produced materials. 

Something to think about! 

I'd be happy to test this,



Community Contributor

Could the Higher Ed video please have captions? I can't share this video announcement with my Deaf faculty. Thanks!

Community Coach
Community Coach


I did a quick set-up test and it looks like this app was built to hide it from the course navigation by default. 🎉 If anyone else can confirm this, it would be great to know.

For reference though, if you ever need to update an app to hide the course navigation by default you can check out this blog post: Default Hide Course Navigation Placement for LTIs/External Apps *Since Khanmigo is using an LTI Registration Developer Key, you are limited in the settings you can adjust and don't have access to the JSON.  Thus, you would need to follow the instructions for Installed LTIs/External Apps to update the settings via the API after you install it by the Client ID.

Community Contributor

@JamesSekcienski confirmed...

Community Participant

Where are we getting the VPAT? Can you guide me?

Community Participant

@JamesSekcienski and @reynlds  - thank you!

Community Member

What is the carbon footprint of this, and how is that being offset?  How much water will be wasted for this? What is being done to offset that?

Community Coach
Community Coach

@jsailor, is it possible to install this in either beta or test or must it be in production?


Hi @jenn_stevens the captions should be working on the Higher Ed video now. Just click the Settings icon to enable them. Let me know if you have any further issues!

Community Contributor

I feel this integration needs a LOT of work to make it usable in Canvas as it requires just as much work to create/copy/paste as any other AI-driven solution external to Canvas. Having the ability to use the generated content AND create the assignments, quizzes, discussions, etc., on-the-fly would give this a gold star!

Community Participant

@dbrace You can install in Beta, no problem. Just follow the same instructions. I have done this. 


@GideonWilliams, we are currently providing Khanmigo Teacher tools for free to all U.S. Canvas educators. We are evaluating how U.S. educators use these tools in order to determine if we will expand access to Canvas educators beyond the U.S. at some point in the future. 

@Nhadley12 and @reynlds, we are working currently on ways to better integrate Khan Academy with Canvas. Stay tuned for updates in the future!  

@beth_may, we appreciate you thinking about this. Khanmigo Teacher Tools is a new product that is constantly evolving, meaning we don't have an exact answer for you at this time. However, I can point you to a few external resources and facts about Khanmigo that could assist:

  • Khanmigo uses GPT-Turbo. GPT-Turbo runs on Microsoft Azure servers.
  • Microsoft Azure has been 100% carbon neutral since 2012. "As OpenAI’s exclusive cloud provider, Azure will power all OpenAI workloads across research, products and API services." Source 

@chobsonKhan Academy is partnering with a third-party accessibility consultant with the goal of achieving WCAG 2.1 AA conformance. They anticipate completing a full ACR/VPAT that includes the teacher experience by April 2026. The following accessibility details are published on the partner listing:

    • The main Khanmigo Teacher Tools page can be navigated using only a keyboard
    • The experience supports zoom up to 200%
    • Color contrast ratios are compliant throughout the entire experience

 @dbrace, yes, you can enable in your beta instance. Just follow the same installation instructions. The Khan Academy team is also working to ensure the integration can consistently be added to test environments as well. 

Community Participant

Is there a way to "customize" the Khanmigo experience specifically for higher ed? Some of these tools are not relevant to higher ed, but more importantly, I tried out the lesson plan tool, and it kept creating a lesson plan that was clearly a k-12 (pretty much 5th-grade level) lesson plan even though my prompt indicated it was for college freshmen. I know we all need to get better at "prompt engineering" but it would be nice if you could set the parameters once and not have to spend so much time perfecting your prompts

FYI: I did try clicking around in the various "preferences" and "settings" menus - these are not easy to find, and some are only available through (not the LTI). Even the menus I did find did not seem to have setting to indicate that "all teaching material should be college-level"

Community Explorer

Is this unavailable in Canvas for Elementary? We moved it up to be visible in navigation, but it did not populate as other apps and navigation options have.

Community Champion

This page doesn't include a direct link to the Khanmigo AI Nutrition Fact's page.     Any reference to AI tools should link to that, should not be buried.


Hi, @glparker, thank you for the comment. It looks like the link shared is to Khan Academy's Khanmigo Partner Portal listing which is linked in the blog post. Sharing the link directly to the Nutrition Facts as well in the event that is what you were intending to link to for easy access for others.



@RileyNelson1, this is available for those that have enabled Canvas for Elementary. Teachers should see access under the resources tab or in the course navigation when in "manage subject". I know that when I first enabled, I inadvertently set it to disabled, which meant I had to remove and readd to ensure I didn't make that same mistake. If that does not seem to be the same thing that you might have done when installing, please submit a support ticket so that we can have our teams review and get you moving forward. Thanks! 

Community Coach
Community Coach

@jsailor, for each of your "Partner" pages, would it be possible to add (for standardization, like there is for a "Privacy Policy") a row for "AI Nutrition Facts"? Having it be all the way down at the bottom makes it a little more difficult to find.

UPDATE SHORTLY AFTER: Never mind. It seems that it may have just been added or I missed it. I am sorry for that.


Thanks for the feedback, @dbrace. I totally agree that having it in the table would make it less likely to be missed. I'll share that feedback with the group.  

Community Contributor

The privacy email is non-responsive at Khan Academy. We would need a Full HECVAT, but it's not clear if there is one for this integration.

Community Member

Couple funny questions.

1) Faculty can  use the free account with inside their course or sign up at Khan academy to access "hypothetically more."  

2) I have added to a text course and notices once signed in, there is no way to logout or swith accounts. Am I missing a  logout  button?

Community Coach
Community Coach

Just getting into testing this myself. Can anyone point out any kind of deeper integration I may have missed? On first class, it seems that this bring Khanmigo into Canvas in an iframe, but I have yet to find any spots where it pulls information from the course or can push any content into Canvas. Is there something I am missing?

Thank you in advance,


Community Champion

@james_whalley    You aren't missing anything.   The link in Canvas is just a convenient way to access Khanmigo.   There's no integration with Canvas at this time.   Anything you create in Khanmigo has to be copy/pasted back into Canvas.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Why are there permissions for:

  • Can create and update submission results for assignments associated with the tool
  • Can view submission data for assignments associated with the tool
  • Can view assignment data in the gradebook associated with the tool
  • Can create and view assignment data in the gradebook associated with the tool

Does the inclusion of these permissions mean we can look forward to additional placements and a more integrated experience?

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you for raising these, @james_whalley., and something I was concerned about when the integration was announced and released.

I find this/these to be an example of not enough documentation from either Instructure or Lucid, especially for a free integration that does not have central management capabilities unless a higher plan is subscribed to.
