New Quizzes Update on Bulk Migration and Course Copy

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


At the beginning of this year, we were made aware of an issue during course copy related to course files where these links would not migrate correctly to the new course as they refer to the original course. As a result course links appear broken in the new course and have to be re-uploaded in the new course. Efforts are currently in progress to resolve this complex issue and we are looking to enable bulk migration toward the end of August for the many teachers who are doing their course copies at that time.

When you have rich content in a canvas quiz, and copy that content to a new course, some work has to be done to ensure those connections are valid in the new course. Currently canvas does this when copying a Classic Quiz to a Classic Quiz and the work we did at the beginning of the year does this when copying a New Quiz to a New Quiz. This current work covers copying Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes into a new course.

As a refresher, here are the ways that Classic Quizzes can be (or will be able to be) migrated into New Quizzes:

Migration path (use case)



Migrate (Single migration)

Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes in the same course

User clicks on the kebab menu for a Classic quiz and selects “Migrate”. The process creates a new New Quizzes quiz with the same content as the migrated Classic Quiz in the same course.


(see Blog Post)

Course copy with the Import as New Quizzes flag on (“Bulk migration”)

Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes in a different course

User navigates to Course Settings/Copy This Course and selects Import Quizzes as New Quizzes. The process creates a new course and copies Classic Quizzes from the source course as New Quizzes to the new course.

Fix in Progress

API for Course Copy

Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes in a different course

Migration will also be available through the API for course copy when fix is enabled. (Documentation to come)

Contingent on fix above



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The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Contributor

When it comes to migrating a Classic Quiz to a New Quiz, are there currently problems when using the "Send to" option to share with a colleague?

If there are currently problems with that situation, will this fix them?

Community Participant

@MPioRoda , when you say " we are looking to enable bulk migration toward the end of August," do you mean you plan to add the 'New Quizzes migration during course import/copy' Feature Option that we currently see in beta systems to production systems? And if so, I assume it will be disabled by default?

Thank you for any clarification and specifics you can provide so that we can better plan for this upcoming change.


Community Participant

Will the fix for the Course Copy method also apply to the Import Course Content method of bulk content copy? We rarely use the Course Copy method, but heavily use Import Course Content.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks for your comments!

@dbrace Send To has a known issue posted here.  That work is not currently included as part of this fix, but I spoke with an engineer to see if they can see how it relates. 

@TrinaAltman , Yes, that is correct, this feature option will be available in production environments at that time. Once available, the default will be for the feature option to show as disabled and customers can decide when to enable the flag for their accounts.

@cdoherty The work will apply to both to fix the canvas link migration.

Community Member

Is migration of New Quizzes to New Quizzes at a different institution included in the scope of this or is that in another project?

(With 30% of faculty working as adjuncts, and a significant portion of us teaching at multiple institutions, having to recreate quizzes and make every edit in multiple places is getting exhausting.)

I'm sure this is on the fix list somewhere, I'm mostly wondering if it is part of this push, or another. Thanks for pointing me at any hints!

Community Participant

I stand to be corrected, but according to the roadmap ( under Optimizing New Quizzes for Early Adopters New Quizzes will be shareable to the Canvas Commons Q1 2024. This is relevant because as far as I am aware sharing through the Commons is the mechanism to share between institutions, especially if they are on different servers. I base this on a move my institution made from the Singapore server to the Oregon server in 2020. All New Quizzes were lost because only transfer through the Commons is possible apparently due to NQ being an LTI external tool. If the roadmap holds, the sometime in Q1 2024 New Quizzes can be moved between institutions using the Commons.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @A-E-SSC !  This functionality is part of our New Quizzes Export work.  This quarter, we are finishing up the Export of New Quizzes by QTI package.  The next stages of New Quizzes export work will be exporting through Common Cartridge and later, as well, through Commons. 

@danaleeling , I hope this also confirms for you as well that the work is on the roadmap.  Please continue to come back to the New Quizzes roadmap on the New Quizzes Hub for any updates on timelines.

Community Member

@MPioRoda Thank you and thank you for the pointer to the roadmap. I'm glad to have that link. I appreciate your patience with what I'm sure is a question you've been asked 100 times!

Community Member

@danaleeling Yep. We had exactly that same problem, and I am at this very moment trying to decide whether to risk building my current quiz in New Quizzes with some of the functionality I need (and just rebuilding it in the other Canvas instance) or if I should make a Classic Quiz. In any case, thank you, it is helpful to know I/my campuses are not alone in this experience, and that it is on the map.

Community Coach
Community Coach

@MPioRoda  -- While attending #ICON I had several dozen fantastic conversations and some of these were about NQ.  Some people mentioned being unsure about how to go about replicating what they have in CQ as they make heavy use of question groups. 

The concern I heard more than once is communicated in this post from earlier in the month: 

Summed up, the concern is that there will be a large volume of Item Banks which will then be unwieldy.  And so I was thinking of solutions - for example, an ability to group Item Banks.

To help ease concern, I am suggesting that additional details for how to best handle question groups be added to the transition toolkit. For example, in the NQ FAQ there is an entry about CQ Question banks and Question Groups:

This states:

When a classic quiz is migrated to new quizzes, here is how question banks and question groups appear:

Classic Quizzes - types of questions

What it will look like in New Quizzes 

Single Question - not associated with a Question Bank or Group

Single Question located in the quiz

Question associated with a Question Bank

Item Bank

Inline Question in Question Groups

Item bank 



What does this bold text mean? Will an item bank be created and will all questions in a question group then be added to that item bank?  What will this workflow then look like?  Are there any best practices for how to handle courses with several exams therefor having several dozen Item Banks? For example, naming conventions, etc. How can the migration tool be leveraged to help here?


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@Jeff_F  You must have been reading my mind!  I spent all last week drafting a series of blog posts related to migration and question banks.  I'll take a look at what you have provided and see if there are any gaps.  Thanks so much for sending these in!

Community Contributor

Ditto, I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering when question banks will be addressed. Besides it being such a hassle to migrate them, if you use multiple banks on a test, you multiply that hassle. 

Community Member

Anyone else experiencing an issue seeing what New Quizzes need to be manually graded on the To Do list? So far, in one of my classes it will show what quiz needs to be graded but for the other class it won't show the quiz as having submissions that need grading.