Has Anyone Seen this? - Firefox on Windows Hides Annotation Tools in Speedgrader

Community Champion

An instructor familiar with using multiple browsers showed me his personal computer's (Windows) Firefox browser has this message which prevents him from being able to use the annotation tools on submitted papers.



It only shows in Firefox on his computer. When an admin masquerades has him on a different computer, the docviewer annotation tools are available. When he uses Chrome on the same computer the docviewer annotation tools are available. I've posed this question to my consortial group and so far nobody has any rational explanation.

My developer brain thought he may have something in his Firefox browser set to tell the Canvas server that it's a mobile app, but I can't think of how that could have been accidental. I suppose anything's possible.

The workaround is to obviously use the browser that does NOT do this (Chrome). So we're really just curious if anyone out there has seen this before.

Thanks in advance.

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