Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @HunterSmith,

You may also be experiencing a delay (intentional or not) inserted your email provider as an attemot to reduce SPAM.  Canvas sends out so many emails per day that some automated systems will see it as SPAM or at least suspicious.  We had something like this happen here with something other than Canvas, but our mail system was adding an 18 hour delay to deliver each message that was deemed suspicious.  Like @james_whalley, I usually get emails for things that I have marked as immediate notifications in Canvas within a few minutes, but if thousands of notifications are being generated right at that time, there may be a few minutes of processing delays.

You can contact your local school/institution Canvas team (usualy in the eLearning . IT / Digital Education areas) to have them check Canvas notification logs to see when Canvas actaully send the message and compare that to when you received it to help verify where the delay is coming in.

I hope this helps!


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