Activity Feed
- Got a Like for Re: Dropout Detective. 02-25-2021 06:27 AM
- Posted Re: Dropout Detective on Archived Questions. 11-13-2020 09:18 AM
- Got a Like for Re: What admin features would you like to see?. 08-06-2020 02:58 AM
- Liked Upcoming Canvas Changes for erinhmcmillan. 07-19-2019 10:04 AM
- Liked Allow folders in Pages for hasti. 02-12-2019 08:38 PM
- Liked Add more distinction between discussion forum posts to distinguish them from each other. for lewisale. 11-07-2018 08:46 AM
- Liked H5P Interactive Content Integration for GideonWilliams. 03-30-2018 12:43 PM
- Liked Include Canvas Mobile App in Student Access Reports for kent_ratajeski. 02-27-2018 03:20 PM
- Liked Be InstructureCon Famous by Becoming a Presenter! for panda. 12-02-2016 11:42 AM
- Got a Like for Canvas community spaces. 06-09-2016 06:38 AM
- Got a Like for Leveraging the Canvas community. 06-09-2016 06:38 AM
- Liked [Rubrics] Export aggregate rubric scores to identify strengths and weaknesses of class as a whole for jbower2. 01-07-2016 12:17 PM
- Liked Allow wrap-around text for content items in a module for amixon. 11-09-2015 02:28 PM
- Liked Warn before leaving unsaved page for dlyons. 11-09-2015 02:27 PM
- Liked Automatic zero in gradebook after a date for stephanie_pope. 11-09-2015 10:59 AM
- Liked Copy content into multiple courses at once for seth. 11-09-2015 10:58 AM
- Liked Ability to Set Default Due Time at Course Level for applem. 11-09-2015 10:57 AM
- Liked Color Coding Assignment Groups in Gradebook for hrolling. 11-09-2015 10:57 AM
- Liked Access to the STUDENT VIEW on an iPad or other tablet for jim_jeffers. 11-09-2015 10:56 AM
- Liked Give Access to Camera to Embed Pictures for nikolina_petrov. 11-09-2015 10:55 AM