Activity Feed
- Posted [ARCHIVED] What are your experiences with requiring copyright and licensing information? on Archived Questions. 03-17-2021 04:56 PM
- Tagged [ARCHIVED] What are your experiences with requiring copyright and licensing information? on Archived Questions. 03-17-2021 04:56 PM
- Tagged [ARCHIVED] What are your experiences with requiring copyright and licensing information? on Archived Questions. 03-17-2021 04:56 PM
- Tagged [ARCHIVED] What are your experiences with requiring copyright and licensing information? on Archived Questions. 03-17-2021 04:56 PM
- Tagged [ARCHIVED] What are your experiences with requiring copyright and licensing information? on Archived Questions. 03-17-2021 04:56 PM
- Liked Attendance Overhaul for kona. 07-22-2020 03:41 PM
- Liked [Account Settings] More intuitive term sorting/presentation for SethBattis. 09-13-2018 03:37 PM
- Liked Allow Students to Change ONLY Display Name for gorsi. 09-13-2018 03:36 PM
- Liked Last name, first name as separate cells for lkiesling. 09-13-2018 03:32 PM
- Liked Allow folders in Pages for hasti. 09-10-2018 01:27 PM
- Liked [Discussions] Multiple Due Dates (checkpoints) for Discussions for chriswhite. 09-10-2018 01:27 PM
- Liked Printable / PDF-exportable quizzes for seth. 09-10-2018 10:47 AM
- Liked [Rubrics] Export aggregate rubric scores to identify strengths and weaknesses of class as a whole for jbower2. 08-04-2018 06:51 AM
- Liked Add Multiple Rubrics to One Assignment for anthonem. 08-04-2018 06:50 AM
- Liked [Rubrics] Create a student-accessible rubric for self-assessments for swilson34. 08-04-2018 06:50 AM