Activity Feed
- Posted Re: Allow Faculty Color Code the Gradebook based on certain rules/criteria on Canvas Ideas. 02-09-2022 12:03 PM
- Liked More contrast in colors used in the gradebook. for woodsdm2. 03-24-2017 01:04 PM
- Liked Late Grades Option (toggle) for ahopper. 03-24-2017 01:03 PM
- Liked Enhanced 'message students who' for multiple assignments for mlewis23. 03-24-2017 01:01 PM
- Liked [Gradebook] Grades without points for jhurley. 03-24-2017 01:01 PM
- Liked Time between quiz attempts for nicole_stahl. 03-24-2017 12:58 PM
- Liked Allow students to email 'All Teachers' for ekb120. 03-24-2017 12:57 PM
- Liked Sort Assignments in Gradebook by Module for timothy_maw. 03-24-2017 12:57 PM
- Liked For Instructors; Show Assignment Submissions List with Date Last Submission for ekb120. 03-24-2017 12:55 PM
- Liked Question Randomizer in Canvas for blain_c. 03-24-2017 12:52 PM
- Liked Differentiate between the two different uses of "Assignment" for kona. 03-24-2017 12:50 PM
- Liked [Student Grades] Allow "Calculate based only on Graded Assignment" Default Status to be set by Institution for mlattke. 03-24-2017 12:49 PM
- Liked Freeze top, left, and side banners of Canvas. for eabshire. 03-24-2017 12:46 PM
- Liked New Quizzes: Create the option of "First Attempt" as the "Quiz Score to Keep" when Allowing Multiple Attempts for mhuber. 03-24-2017 12:46 PM
- Liked Filter Grade Book for steeletm. 03-24-2017 12:41 PM
- Liked [Student Grades] Monitor student grades in all courses for marthazumack. 09-02-2015 07:55 AM
- Liked HTML Formatter for Chris_Hofer. 09-02-2015 07:55 AM
- Liked Mute assignment as a option at assignment creation for r_v_jones. 09-02-2015 07:54 AM
- Liked Verification that Gradebook comments are viewed by students for jdesiderio. 09-02-2015 07:53 AM