Activity Feed
- Got a Like for Re: Can I change the default quality of a video (uploaded to Canvas). 09-06-2024 04:11 AM
- Got a Like for Re: Auto high quality video + shortcuts. 09-06-2024 02:44 AM
- Posted Re: Auto high quality video + shortcuts on Canvas Question Forum. 01-26-2024 02:40 PM
- Posted Re: Can I change the default quality of a video (uploaded to Canvas) on Canvas Mobile Forum. 01-26-2024 02:33 PM
- Liked Can I change the default quality of a video (uploaded to Canvas) for alyson_lamanes. 01-26-2024 02:29 PM
- Liked Re: Speedgrader Tools not showing for chrhh. 05-11-2022 05:59 AM
- Liked Regrade quiz when deleting questions for ggd356. 02-28-2019 04:00 PM
- Liked [Reports] Indicate Cross-Listed Courses in Admin Reports for ericwerth. 12-07-2017 11:59 AM
- Liked [Gradebook] Increase Gradebook Note Character limit for ced4742. 11-04-2016 04:11 PM
- Liked Automatically assign groups within sections of a course! for nhancock. 08-08-2016 01:59 PM
- Liked [Gradebook] Add, Create, or Modify a Calculated or Total Column in the Gradebook for thomas-rietz. 08-08-2016 01:59 PM
- Liked [Discussions] Display Discussion Rubrics by Default for isaac_piercy. 08-08-2016 01:59 PM
- Liked Inbox Folders for pcanales9919. 08-08-2016 01:58 PM
- Liked Allow regrading of fill-in-the-blank questions for emily. 05-04-2016 02:54 PM
- Liked Numerical Answer questions need to allow regrade option for eprada. 04-06-2016 04:11 PM
- Posted Re: Ability to select multiple questions at once in quizzes and question banks on Idea Conversations. 02-01-2016 10:03 AM
- Liked Ability to select multiple questions at once in quizzes and question banks for snugent. 02-01-2016 10:03 AM
- Liked [New Quizzes] Create Item Banks from MSWord for rledda. 02-01-2016 09:42 AM
- Liked Regrade fill-in-the-blank questions for haustin. 02-01-2016 09:38 AM
- Posted Re: Regrade quiz when deleting questions on Idea Conversations. 02-01-2016 09:36 AM