Activity Feed
- Got a Like for Re: Migrate question banks from the old quizzing engine to the new quizzing engine?. 01-15-2021 08:25 AM
- Posted Re: Partial Credit for Matching Questions in Quizzes.Next on Canvas Ideas. 12-04-2020 09:19 AM
- Posted Re: Attached questions stay fixed to stimulus in item bank on Canvas Ideas. 12-01-2020 04:04 PM
- Posted Re: Partial Credit for "Matching", "Categorization", and "Sorting" que on Canvas Ideas. 11-20-2020 12:45 PM
- Posted Re: Migrate question banks from the old quizzing engine to the new quizzing engine? on Canvas Question Forum. 11-20-2020 10:20 AM
- Liked [New Quizzes] Create Item Banks from MSWord for rledda. 04-17-2020 10:29 AM
- Liked Grab the big shoes and pile into the car for mjennings. 06-01-2018 11:38 AM
- Liked Re: Grab the big shoes and pile into the car for bneporadny. 06-01-2018 11:38 AM
- Liked Re: Grab the big shoes and pile into the car for Chris_Hofer. 06-01-2018 11:38 AM
- Liked [Course Import/Export] Set all to unpublished when Importing for acooper. 12-20-2017 06:40 AM
- Liked Deduct X% or X points per day for each day an assignment submission is late for seth. 12-15-2017 04:30 PM
- Liked [Rubrics] Editing Capabilities for Rubrics for Chris_Hofer. 12-15-2017 03:21 PM