Activity Feed
- Posted Re: Ordering Modules on Archived Questions. 10-09-2020 09:00 AM
- Got a Like for Re: Google Form Assignment Submission Type. 08-15-2020 12:02 PM
- Posted Re: Google Form Assignment Submission Type on Archived Questions. 08-15-2020 11:23 AM
- Posted [ARCHIVED] Google Form Assignment Submission Type on Archived Questions. 08-14-2020 01:09 PM
- Posted [ARCHIVED] How do you quickly access analytics from a hidden external tool (Panopto)? on Archived Questions. 06-21-2020 11:30 AM
- Liked Podcast Discussions need to be more user-friendly for claire_obrien. 06-08-2020 02:28 PM
- Liked [Modules] Publish / Unpublish ALL Option for jmk50. 03-22-2020 10:06 AM
- Liked Prevent cheating by integrating with the Safe Exam Browser for phillip_pinon. 03-17-2020 07:58 AM
- Liked [Modules] Customizable Checklists to Add to Modules for degensp28. 02-13-2020 10:14 AM
- Liked Create a more simple, intuitive way to offer Extra Credit for kakanczu. 02-04-2020 01:15 PM
- Liked A way to save a draft for Text Entries for emersoncall. 01-28-2020 02:15 PM
- Liked [Modules] Modules need a "Lock After" Feature for sejones. 01-21-2020 04:42 PM
- Liked Printable / PDF-exportable quizzes for seth. 01-21-2020 04:16 PM
- Liked Adjust all assignment and quiz dates on a single page for harris60. 01-21-2020 04:15 PM
- Liked Re: What does a black exclamation point in a gradebook column means? for Robbie_Grant. 01-21-2020 04:11 PM
- Liked Automatically Remove Missing Flag Once Grade is Entered for breklis. 01-21-2020 04:04 PM
- Liked [Modules] Modules Display as Collapsed by Default for brandon_pousley. 01-21-2020 02:51 PM
- Liked [Gradebook] Generate Automatic Messages to students who do not submit work for lisa_braun. 01-13-2020 09:55 AM
- Liked Create an UNDO button in Content Editor for altheatechtools. 01-12-2020 02:44 PM
- Liked Masquerade as Students in Canvas Catalog for jsowalsk. 01-12-2020 02:26 PM