Data and Analytics Group Discussions

Data and Analytics Group questions and discussion forum

Happened to go into and noticed that new keys can go for THREE YEARS!   Yay!

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Data and Analytics Group
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The discussion_topics__discussion_type enumeration does not include the "not_threaded" value added as part of the Discussion Redesign feature. I believe the discussions with this value are currently showing as '__dap_unspecified__', and I would like ...

  • 1 Replies

I've used Postman and am able to get data from Canvas Data Portal 2.  I'm trying to do the same thing in Python.  I'm able to get all the preliminary steps (GetJWT, Dispatch query, get status of query) in python, but get a bad request format when try...

  • 5 Replies

As far as I can tell there currently isnt a way to get the account settings using Canvas Data 2 but I would love to be corrected.I can see that the genuine Canvas backend has a feature_flag table for this as well as a settings column in the accounts ...

  • 5 Replies

We are looking for a way to create a report showing all the settings selected for quizzes and assignments in a spreadsheet. We are finding that when we create multiple quizzes or assignments, we sometimes miss enabling certain settings every time (i....

  • 4 Replies

I'm trying to see if students bother to look at the responses I give on the discussion board after their participation deadline.  As a result, I've exported the course activity via 'New Analytics'.  In the "Content Type" column of the csv file I down...

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 3 Replies

Problem I've noticed there are entries in most course content items for a migration_id. My assumption was this was a way to join with the content_migrations table, but the id in that table doesn't match the format of the migration_id.  What I'm Tryin...

Community Explorer
Data and Analytics Group
  • 6 Replies

A disgruntled teacher when through and deleted a bunch of stuff from a bunch of courses. I need to be able to answer this question, and seemingly cannot due to inadequate Canvas logging.    "What did a faculty person delete, from where, and when"? If...

  • 2 Replies

I wasn't sure if this is the best place to post this, but didn't find a group specifically for CD2 questions in the options and wasn't successful in finding any previous thread on this specific topic.We are pulling our data using CD2, but have not be...

  • 3 Replies

I am at an institution that uses Canvas LMS, but I came from one that used a version of Desire2Learn/Brightspace.  While I like a lot about what Canvas offers, I find myself missing a really valuable feature for course design and student engagement e...

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to populate a database with ALL the tables in the Canvas namespace. I am following the instructions on this documentation to initialize my database using the initdb command. Below is my CLI:   dap initdb --connection-string my_connection_...

  • 4 Replies

I'm seeing a lot of students that do not have a value within the Enrollments table in their "last_activity_at" attribute.  I resync'd my data this morning into Postgres and found a case where a student showed no activity, but had completed several as...

  • 1 Replies

Why does listing tables from canvas_logs namespace still return the user_agents table? I thought this table was deprecated/sunset? Is there a plan to stop listing it? This dap command returns the following: dap --base-url $DAP_API_URL --client-id $DA...

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Data and Analytics Group
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Hello,  I am looking at the New Analytics for my course and it is showing zero participations, but I know students have submitted quizzes. This is listed as what counts as a participation so why is it not generating numbers on the graph (image attach...

  • 1 Replies

Tagging @sgergely since this is mostly a question for him, but I suspect it'll be of interest to folks like @ColinMurtaugh and likely others. For a few years, we've been using a mixture of CD1 requests and Canvas Live Events. They both have their pro...

  • 12 Replies

Hi all,I am getting this error SELECT cls.relnameFROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS cls INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS nsp ON cls.relnamespace = nsp.oidWHERE nsp.nspname = 'instructure_dap' AND (cls.relkind = 'c');when syncing the table with dap 1.1....

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Data and Analytics Group
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Got my hands on the LTI tables in CD2 now, trying to query if I can list all LTI 1.1 and 1.3 related to a specific course. Context_External_Tools (LTI 1 and 1.3) - has two kinds of tools (context_type) - Account, Course if context_type: course, then ...

Community Contributor
Data and Analytics Group
  • 10 Replies

The CD1 Requests table included a significant disclaimer: "The data in the requests table is a 'best effort' attempt, and is not guaranteed to be complete or wholly accurate. This data is meant to be used for rollups and analysis in the aggregate, _n...

  • 2 Replies

Mostly a question for @ sgergely and @GergelyTar - I was just wondering if there's anything on the DAP client roadmap for syncing to an S3 location and/or using Iceberg? We're going w/ PostgreSQL for convenience in making our transition from CD1 to...

  • 6 Replies

Hello, I'm using Python to automatically sync our CANVAS data into our database. However, I'd prefer to not have the results of each table's syncing printed out (e.g. "No rows to upsert", "No rows to delete"). Is there a way to add a line (or so) to ...

  • 1 Replies

I’m working with Canvas Data 2 API and am having trouble accessing S3 files programmatically. While I can manually open the provided URLs in my browser, I receive a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access them using Python. I’ve been provided with ...

  • 1 Replies

We're not using DAP, so our job failed when checking the schema version the other day for the web_conferences table. (We currently do schema updates by hand for ... reasons.) Is there a change log of CD2 schema changes anywhere? I don't recall any an...

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Data and Analytics Group
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I'm working with CD2 in PostgreSQL and I'm noticing that CD2 seems to take an opinionated stance on data types with many columns being user defined (typically enums). For example, `context_type` in `lti_resource_links` is of type `lti_resource_links_...

  • 2 Replies

DAPClientError: malformed HTTP response occurs at least twice in a month. and was unable to identify the exact issue.   DAPClientError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [35], line 3 1 if __name__ == '__main__'...

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Data and Analytics Group
  • 0 Replies has a canvas."courses__workflow_state" enum with the possible values of {__dap_unspecified__,created,claimed,available,completed,deleted} This leads to several questions. 1) Do any of these workflow_states match the published status of...

  • 2 Replies

In previous terms, by disabling New Course and User Analytics in the Features Options of the settings automatically reverted back to the old analytics. However, the same process is not working for my Fall 2024 course. Disabling New Analytics removes ...

Community Member
Data and Analytics Group
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Greetings, My goal is to track LTI use by using a simple proxy of if the Course Navigation link is enabled. The particular LTI tool I am most interested in tracking(Kaltura LTI 1.1) can be used for assignments, though the vast majority of this LTI us...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I'm having trouble with the DAP CLI version 1.1.0 on a windows 11 machine.I got a new client id and secret , the I ran:set DAP_CLIENT_ID=...set DAP_CLIENT_SECRET=..set DAP_API_URL=..>dap --version dap 1.1.0But when I run list I get a full web ...

  • 2 Replies

Just checking what's the current state of getting LTI Usage information out of CD2.  I see there are a few LTI-related tables, but they all seem to mention LTI 1.3. Has anyone worked on reporting of LTI usage then via CD2 tables?

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I'm hoping someone has seen this and knows how to fix it.I'm trying to load the scores table in DAP and this is repeatable for me:Step 1: Drop the scores tableStep 2 Initialize the scores table: ...@ubuntu-vm-karl:~/bin$ dap initdb --namespace...

  • 2 Replies