Make "Preview the document" the default action for linked documents


Something has always bothered be about the way canvas handles linked documents... While it might not seem important to someone who uses a computer as the main means to complete their job, I have found that many of our users who simply need to view the document unnecessarily download it. This creates confusion and wasted hard drive space.

I propose that the default action when the title is clicked, should be to open the preview, and that a download button should be placed beside the main link.


Like so:

Clicking Here Will open a Preview 189542_dl.pngdl.png 189543_pop_out.pngpop_out.png


Dont like this idea: check out this!


Awesome People who up-voted similar ideas last time(s) below. Thanks!


(K'Ailsa) Kaye-Ailsa Rowan Mark Anthoney John Buell Rob Ditto Christine McKeon Eric AbshireJoanna Do Robbie Grant Admin Michelle Lebsock Admin Marlee ChongAdmin: SUU  Admin StaffErica Ellis Regina Scott Scott FinkeldeiBrian Lindshield Martha Zumack Mark James - Admin Deborah GoinsHongfu Chen David Winters Maloy Victoria ServiceAccountSusan BastianKaryn Kondoff Jason Friend Jennifer ReddPeter Hess Chris ElfordJennifer JovanovichKelly A Duquette Neil Patch David Downs Sara MunzingerDavid Lyons Matt TurnerBrian GrowPAUL GOUVEIANathan PhillipsRosalie LeddaMr. Jeff BucknerEarl @ PierceSebastián VazquezBrian WestonLucas FauleJuan DomeneEugenia RodriguezMilena Oleart Matthew Jennings


Previous ideas:

Prevent files from automatically downloading; opt to open a document as an inline preview or in a ne...

Inline document preview when clicking on its name inside a Canvas wiki page

Make a file read-only but Not Downloadable in Canvas


🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

189574_pastedImage_3.pngThank you for your Feature Idea submission. As you have already noted, there are several similar ideas which were submitted in a different voting period, but archived due to lack of votes or inadequate response. You (and others) may want to reference those idea for further insights.

Since archived ideas can be re-submitted, your idea will be open for vote in the next voting cycle.

In the meantime, help your idea gain traction by posting a link to this idea in the comments of the other, archived idea (which will notify author and anyone who is following the idea) and share your idea to colleagues and peers as well.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. July 6, 2016 - Wed. October 5, 2016.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works!

Community Novice

Lets mobilize and send out word to our fellow canvas users! Lets BE the change!

We can do this!


My current status ⬆

Community Novice

I think that this is the best thing since sliced bread!  Awesome idea! hensonj

You rock! 

Community Novice

I think that this is the best thing since sliced bread!  Awesome idea! hensonj

You rock! 

Community Champion

hensonj​ This would be the ideal action for clicking on a link. I know it took me a while, when I first started using Canvas, to train myself to click on the preview button instead of the link if I only wanted to view the document, and I still see some faculty struggle with this concept.

Community Novice

Holy Canvas, Batman! hensonj​, it's working! Keep up the good work!

Community Contributor


Community Novice

Officially 2/3 of the way in 3 days!

Keep up the good work everyone. I encourage everyone to tell their colleagues, friends, enemies, lovers, children, pets, crystal balls, window gardens, NSA operatives (simply talk into the ether), or anyone(thing) else that will listen to check out and up vote this idea, because I know, we've already come so far:


Community Novice


I'd greatly appreciate it if you would elaborate on why you believe this idea would not suit your needs?

I'd love to hear from both sides, as a constructive discussion is always best.

Community Novice

No problem! As you can see below, there is a current bug in Jive that intermittently down votes when up vote is clicked.

Voting issues


Community Contributor


Thanks for letting us know about the issue with the voting here in Jive. For those that didn't click through, here is what  @scottdennis ​ said on the issue:

This is a the result of a known bug that was introduced with Jive's most recent quarterly update. They have identified a fix and it will be rolled to production with the next quarterly release (makes me grateful for three week release cycles). In the meantime, if you click to vote up and it registers as a down vote, you can just click upvote again to change it to a vote up. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Community Champion

Your current status makes me giggle!

Community Novice

I hate to confess this in public, but . . . when I first started using Canvas I didn't understand the meaning of those teeny icons next to a link and ignored them. Any UI that makes software behavior more overt, especially for us old fogies Smiley Wink, is welcome. This suggestion is a helpful and logical default.

Community Novice


We've broken the 100  up vote barrier! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to vote. Please consider sharing this with colleagues and friends at instcon or your institution.

All I can say is WE are the champions!!


Next landmark..... 250 upvotes!

Community Participant

This is such a great time saving idea! Love it.

Community Coach
Community Coach


Community Novice

 @grogne ​, khooper​, sweetera​, &  @llampe ​:

Again, Id love to hear what criticisms people have, as I truly believe that this makes the ideas stronger and helps us all understand the potential pitfalls that we may not have seen

I respect ones right to down vote, but would appreciate any explanation.



Community Novice

James, I sincerely apologize. I thought I voted this up! Have done so now.

Community Novice

I sincerely believe you did! as mentioned above, there is currently a bug in Jive that sporadically down votes when up vote is clicked. Thanks for your support!