Community Champion

The start of a blog and discussion about how to use CSS styles to develop your courses. The link below is a video to whet your appetite. It is part of a course we deliver for staff training.

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(view in My Videos)

WARNING: I am not a coder or designer. I have managed to develop what you see through a mixture of luck, hard work and having some very clever friends. Happy to share all.

Please leave a message and get in touch... more to come soon.

2 1 3,333
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

A webinar touching on best practices for administrators and instructors at the close of the school year. Learn about Terms, course conclude dates and managing student access after the term end date. Teachers will learn how to pack away their course and either save to Commons, or create a Canvas course export file. Instructors will learn some tips on maintaining a summer sandbox during break and how to leverage that space for content creation and curation.

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(view in My Videos)

4 0 3,920
Community Champion

Since we have a presence on the Canvas Community now, I figured this would be a good place to do writeups on all of our version releases of UDOIT.  This particular one is very minor, but I have to start somewhere!

  • User authentication is now compliant with the changes that were made recently in Canvas.  Instead of asking Instructure to generate a Developer Key for you to install UDOIT, your LMS Administrators can do that for you.  This particular subject can get very technical, so let me know if you want more details.
  • The latest UFIXIT tool, Color Picker, gives you some pre-made color options in addition to the spectrum interface.  It also will not let you submit the UFIXIT form if your new color is also inaccessible.

We also discovered some issues while preparing for this release.  They will be fixed in future releases:

  • UFIXIT for files no longer works.  This is due to Instructure removing the API we were using to handle file uploading.  We need to switch to the new API they created.
  • UFIXIT has trouble with anything that contains Magic Quotes, i.e., the quotation marks generated by Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc.
  • UFIXIT has trouble with table headings and scopes.  We're still trying to nail this one down, since it doesn't have issues in all cases.

That's it for this time!  Please let me know if you discover any issues with this release, or if you have any questions.

6 3 2,296
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Recording of K-12 User Group Meeting #1 held 3/31/16 @ 9am MDT

1 0 442
Community Champion

April 4—May 13 Rutgers University is hosting a six-week noncredit course for online course designers and instructors that covers the basics in accessible design. Register for this course & other Online Teaching Certificate workshops at

This course introduces to online learning educators basic concepts, issues, approaches, strategies, beneficiaries, and resources with regard to the creation and delivery of online courses that are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. It will cover the basics of accessible design, focusing on what an instructor needs to know. The course does not require high-level technical skills, but will point to resources that provide technical details.

There is a charge for this course: $100 for Rutgers-aligned participants and $300 for non-Rutgers participants.

Worth it if  you need or want this training.

Agent K.

This document was generated from the following discussion: Accessibility and Compliance in Online Education Certificate Course

2 0 1,293
Community Champion

What is UDOIT?

The Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool, or UDOIT (pronounced, “You Do It”) enables faculty to identify accessibility issues in their Canvas course content. It will scan a course, generate a report, and provide resources on how to address common accessibility issues.  It was originally created by the Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) at the University of Central Florida (CDL), and has received significant contributions from many organizations, especially Cidi Labs.

What does it do?

UDOIT will identify “errors” and provide “suggestions” in the following areas of your course:

  • Announcements
  • Assignments
  • Discussions
  • Files (i.e., .html files)
  • Pages
  • Syllabus
  • Module URLs

It will check for many different accessibility issues, including:

Please note: some items cannot be examined by UDOIT. These include external documents and some videos/audio files for captioning/transcripts.

More Information


  • If your institution is already using UDOIT with Canvas, it can be enabled via your Canvas course settings.
  • For more information about UDOIT, visit our UDOIT information page.

Developers/LMS Admins/IT Staff:

If you are interested in downloading and installing UDOIT, visit the GitHub project.  If you would like to join the community of other users and developers, please join the UCF Open Source Slack organization.

13 103 66.8K
Community Champion

What's Wrong with the Built-in Google Doc Submissions?

If you've been using Canvas for a while you probably know that students can connect their Google Drive to it. This allows them to turn in or submit files directly from their Google Drive without ever leaving Canvas. Sounds good right? The concept is great and it is pretty easy. All the student has to do is select the file in their Google Drive and then click on the "Submit Assignment" Button. When they do, they get the following notification:


What appears to be happening behind the scenes here is that Canvas sends an API command to Google that tells it to convert the doc, slides or sheet to a (.docx .pptx or .xlsx) file. Sometimes it takes Google too long to do this and the Canvas/Google connection is timed-out which stops this process. When this happens students don't know if their work was submitted successfully or not. In the words of one high schooler "Nothing happened. It just wouldn't work." This seems to occur most frequently when students are submitting Google Slide Presentations, but even plain old docs and sheets can be plagued by this problem. To make matters worse, most of the time the assignment is due late at night and students get really stressed out when they have stayed up late working hard to get everything done only to be foiled by a faulty Google Drive submission.

I've also noticed that the formatting and pagination is sometimes degregated during this process, especially if you have tables in your Google Doc. Google Spreadsheets that are submitted this way usually have this issue as well. They also take a long time to load in SpeedGrader, the cell height & widths get truncated and pagination is applied which breaks tables across several different screens and makes it really hard to work with.

One last reason why using the built in Google Docs submission tab is not desirable. When a teacher views the work that students have submitted using this in SpeedGrader they can use Crocodoc tools to comment on it and give feedback but wouldn't it be nice to use the native communication and commenting tools built right into the Google Docs to do this? That way students can see the corrections and make their edits in one place!

To date, we've had 76 documented help cases due to this problem, and I've even officially made a help case on all the help cases to report this problem to Instructure. From what I've been told, there is no short term fix for this issue on the horizon, so it's time to consider a workaround and a better way for students and teachers to leverage the power of both Canvas and Google Docs.

How Students Can Submit Native Google Docs

Since all Google Docs are really webpages and they all have a unique URL that can be shared, I recommend enabling only "Website URL" assignment submission type.


Doing this turns off the built in Google Docs Tab in the Canvas assignment submission window so students can only submit a URL.  This allows you to view the actual Google Doc/Sheet/Presentation/Drawing in SpeedGrader and use the native Google commenting tools to provide feedback and comments. And of course you can use all the Canvas tools (except for Crocodoc annotations) like media comments, rubrics and text comments. BOOM!


Student Submission Instructions

The first time I have students do this, I walk them through it. After that they are usually pros at it. I made a slide guide to share with the Canvas Community and you all are welcome to put a link to it in your assignment instructions.

See: How to Submit Your Google Drive Files in Canvas (for students)

18 10 14.4K
Community Champion

Hey Everyone!

In our efforts to begin moving towards developing more accessible online courses, I've created a WCAG 2.0 overview tool. I wanted to see how each level (A-AAA) ranges in content. This will help us know what we have to do, moving forward, to meet the minimum requirement for level A. I hope this is useful to your schools as well. I took this information directly from the WCAG 2.0 website. If you need clarification for any of the sub-categories you can click on the "How to meet" link next to the criteria.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


2 0 1,865
Community Team
Community Team

Today, I'm co-leading a short presentation on Canvas updates at my institution. During that presentation, I will highlight some Canvas Settings (that may not be 100% intuitive to faculty members). Based part of the discussion from Saving a partial test​, I thought I'd share some of these [Hidden] Canvas Settings so other K-12'ers could benefit.

Assignment Options in Canvas

  • Display Grade As… has several options. After entering the amount of points a student can earn, be aware of the options for gradebook display.
    • Percentage
    • Complete/Incomplete
    • Points (default)
      • The default is what Canvas programmed. Click View Grading Schemes to see other options.
      • If your institution has their own grading schemes, you need to select the appropriate grading scheme from the list. Just like with rubrics, this needs to be done with each assignment.
    • Letter Grade
    • GPA
      • As an institution for grades 9-12, we've found this confuses our students. We do not recommend our teachers to use this options. Your institution may have their own preferences.
    • Not Graded
  • Available From/Until is a great tool for teachers. It does have some limitations at this point.
    • Teachers can publish a page, assignment or quiz and set the Available From date. Until this time, students will not be able to access any information on that item. The Available Until date will relock the assignment.
    • Once the Available Until date has passed, students can access the item’s information and feedback from the browser version of Canvas only. If students access locked/closed items from the iOS app, they will only see a padlock. (Note: Canvas is working on this functionality in Mobile. See the discussion in What is the difference between assignment due dates and availability dates?​)

Notes in Gradebook

  • In Gradebook settings, teachers can Show Notes Column. This will create an entire column for a teacher to use for private memos about students right next to their name/user information and grades.
  • One idea would be to place their graduation year in the column. Another would be to write short-hand codes for important information like “A” for accommodation plan or learning plans (not the plan itself!), etc. to jolt your memory in an inconspicuous manner.


  • In Course Settings (directly under the file storage box), there is a place for TurnItIn Comments. Whatever you type in the box will appear with each assignment for which a teacher activates TurnItIn submissions. Of course this box will not appear if TurnItIn is not activated for your institution/course. I like this feature because you can kindly remind students that their submissions will be scanned through TurnItIn, but Canvas helps you by "canning" a message to add to those assignments.
  • When creating an assignment, and you select Enable TurnItIn Submissions, you have many options. Teachers can also select when students see the originality report: immediately, after grading, after the due date, or never. While there are pro's and con's to both, hopefully teachers can find that one of those fits well with their classroom.

Discussion Options

  • These settings are not in the same location as the discussions themselves. There are some important settings linked to the main course’s settings.
  • From your course’s home page, click Course Settings. Then More Options at the end of the page.
    • Let students attach files to discussions
    • Let students create discussion topics
    • Let students edit or delete their own discussion posts

Saving a Quiz Mid Test

  • Canvas quizzes automatically save when a student completes a question. There is not a formal “save button.” As long as there is not a time restriction on the quiz, students are able to complete the quiz at a later time.
  • Sometimes it is important for a faculty member to administer/monitor the quiz. To restrict a student from continuing a quiz on their own, it is possible to update the password for a quiz even if there are active attempts.

If anybody has other settings that they highlight with their staff, feel free to reply to this post!

9 2 3,362
Community Contributor

I love the start of a new term. It allows for a fresh start and for new ideas to be brought forward. As I have reflected over our process for this post, I really love the way we assist our faculty with getting ready as it seems to be very personal and allows for a lot of collaboration. Here are some of the ways we like to P.A.R.T.Y. as we begin a new term.


  1. Personal contact - We start personally contacting each Course Manager either by email, phone or stopping by their office to reach out and ask if the is anything we can do to assist them in getting their course ready for the start of the term.
  2. Attention to details - In those meetings we emphasis the need for tight consistency of directions, terminology, and structure of the learning materials. This means that all of the dates are accurate, links are not broken and that there is a unified look and feel to all pages.
  3. Readily available - While we are not a 24/7 help desk, we work hard to be available when needed to answer questions during business hours, with a willingness to eagerly assist when asked. We also have a knack for showing up at the office door just as a faculty member is getting ready to call/email us. Which happens because we go…
  4. Trouble hunting - We go looking for trouble. A couple of times a day members of our office will “make rounds” to each faculty office to see if they need any help or to check-in on any issues we have been working through with them. This is where we most often get accused of have telepathic super powers. We just know when and where to find trouble.
  5. Yelling allowed - We tell our faculty to not hesitate in contacting us. Actually we tell them if it takes them longer than 5 minutes, they need to call us, email us or hunt us down.


So the next time you are getting ready for a new term, make it a PARTY and keep being awesome!


Matthew Jennings, M.Ed.

Instructor and Instructional Design Specialist, Sr.

Knowledge that will change your world

5 0 1,206
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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Various state and federal laws have requirements aimed at making education accessible to as many people as possible. For instance, making sure that classrooms are wheelchair accessible would be an effort to comply with these laws and policies. Online classes need to be accessible as well. This document outlines some general best practices when designing a course for accessibility concerns. Additional help can be found at Creating Accessible Electronic Content.


Specific Canvas-related accessibility help can found in the Accessibility within Canvas document. If you have additional suggestions, please contact


Layout and Design

Generally, the layout of a page should be simple, clean, and uncluttered. Navigation should be clear and consistent from page to page.


When adding content, keep content organized and chunked together in short paragraphs so users can scan your content easily.




Headings should always include descriptive section headings. Section headings allow for a quick scan of the content for sighted and non-sighted users.


In Canvas, page titles are automatically generated at H1.



Alternative (alt) text is required to provide a textual alternative to non-text content in web pages. This text will be read aloud to a person using a screen reader.


By default, Canvas includes the image name as the alt text, which should be changed to something more descriptive when embedding images. Alt text is not the same as the image title, which generates text when users hover over the image. Learn how to embed images in the Rich Content Editor.


Example Image

Default Alt Text (name of image): kids-tech-revised.jpg


Modified Alt Text: one boy and two girls sitting on a couch with a smartphone, tablet, and laptop.



When adding a link, instead of pasting in the URL directly, attach the link to words that describe the link destination. This behavior will help everyone (whether they are screen reader users or not) understand where the link will take them.


Example Links

Bad Example


"Donald Tapscott, in his paper ''Growing Up Digital," says these students..."


Listen to bad example audio from screen reader


Good Example


"Donald Tapscott, in his paper ''Growing Up Digital," says these students..."


Listen to good example audio from screen reader


Content Formatting

Users can view text contrast well when formatting with bold and italics, which help distinguish between important content items.


Example Canvas Color Ratios

If you choose to use color, utilize the WebAIM Color Contrast Checker to ensure adequate color contrast and accessibility friendly colors. The following are examples of Rich Content Editor Colors Contrast Ratios within Canvas:


Fail: (under 4.5)


  • Yellow Text: 1.07:1
  • Pale Green: Text  1.12:1
  • Orange Text: 2.14:1
  • Pink Text: 3.14:1
  • Red Text: 4:1


Good: (4.5 to 7)


  • Blue Text: 4.68:1
  • Dark Green: 5.14:1
  • Purple Text: 6.95:1


Best: (Over 7)


  • Burnt Orange: 7.43:1
  • Very Dark Gray: 12.63:1
  • Black text: 21:1


Tables should be used for data display, not layout. Headings should always be included for columns and rows.


In Canvas, headings for table columns and rows can be changed in the Rich Content Editor. View the Creating Accessible Tables in the Rich Content Editor.


   Example Table HTML Code:


  • <th scope="col">Questions</th>
  • <th scope="col">Percentage of Total</th>


  • <th scope="row">Website</th>
  • <th scope="row">Website URL</th>



Videos should always have the option to view captions.


For external videos, check with the video provider for caption availability. Learn how to Caption YouTube Videos owned by you.


For videos created or uploaded into Canvas, Canvas uses a tool called Amara to sync your script with a video. Learn more about captions in the Canvas Instructor Guide - Rich Content Editor.


Content File Formats

There may be times an instructor wants to deliver content in other file formats not native to Canvas. Here are tips to ensure accessibility of some of the most popular file formats.


Microsoft Word

General accessibility guidelines apply to designing a Word document.


General accessibility guidelines apply to designing a PowerPoint document. Use the built-in accessibility checker: File > info > check for issues > check for accessibility.

  • Additional guidelines and links:
    • Use slide layout templates whenever possible.
    • When you can’t use a template, use one with the slide title only.
    • Write presenter’s notes in the provided area.
    • Apply ALT text to images.
    • Add captions to the slide or presenter’s notes for complicated images (e.g. diagrams or maps).
    • If embedding video, caption the video and ensure the player controls are accessible.
    • If embedding audio, include a transcript.


Portable Document Format (PDF)

Portable Document Format (PDFs) should be created as accessible documents. Most commonly, PDFs are created from Word documents. If you do not have the original source file for a PDF document, you can tag the PDF to help with accessibility.

Additional Resources

Significant contributions to this guide were made by:


  • John Raible: Instructional Designer for the Center for Distributed Learning at the University of Central Florida
  • Nancy Swenson: Instructional Designer for the Center for Distributed Learning at the University of Central Florida

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