[ARCHIVED] What tools have you used to create content review-type games?

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I'm looking for tools to use to create engaging content review exercises. I would also like them to be live in Canvas and not require a link or passwords to a different location.  I've used Quizlet and  SoftChalk in the past (before they cloud based).  Quizlet is ok, but I am looking for something with a greater diversity of activities. Softchalk worked well in ANGEL but now that we are in Canvas, does it work as well?  Any feed back on these products or suggestions would be appreciated!

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @Cindy_Masek ​, this is a great question for the Instructional Designers​ group space, and I hope we can keep it open so that contributions keep pouring in!

We had a similar discussion in the old community, and these are some of the suggestions  @dhulsey ​ contributed, including his comments on SoftChalk:

 @dhulsey ​ also contributed one of his sample Quizlet decks: Cards: Chapter Three: Does The Center Hold? Sample | Quizlet

In addition, you might get some ideas from  @G_Petruzella ​'s Media and HTML Examples document, which provides a link to Gerol's Lab . Nifty, no?

Hope this helps! Happy Canvassing! happypanda​

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