Add observer-student relationship to Canvas Data
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11:00 AM
In Canvas Data's schema, the enrollment_dim file shows the type of an enrollment, but for ObserverEnrollment type roles where a link to another user is implied, there is no link to the student user.
We use the observer role extensively, and need to group students by their observer for our reporting.
This data is available through the REST API on the enrollments endpoint, but I don't particularly want to have to mix and match Canvas Data with REST API calls to do monthly/historic reporting.
// The unique id of the associated user. Will be null unless type is // ObserverEnrollment. "associated_user_id": null,
This issue was raised by someone else in 2017 and apparently a ticket was created but I can't see anything in the community or release notes, and the data is still not available.
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas |