Allow "Missing" label to be enabled/disabled

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the  Canvas Release Notes (2021-10-16).

Currently, the "missing" label that appears throughout Canvas on student assignments, Speedgrader, etc. appears for every student who has a missing assignment regardless of the specific intentions of the teacher or the type of assignment (ex: one that requires a submission).


I would like to see Canvas allow this to be optional. For example, it would be beneficial during the assignment creation process if there was a drop-down menu that included the option allowing the assignment to be marked as missing after the due date or not. Another idea would be to provide a check-box on Speedgrader that would allow the teacher to check/uncheck the "missing" label feature and therefore remove it from certain student's Canvas profiles.


I have students now who have an excused reason for turning an assignment in late but because it wasn't submitted by the due date, that assignment has been marked "missing," which cannot be undone even now that the student submitted the assignment and I graded it. Having the option to add/remove this label will also help students pay more attention to "missing" once they know it actually indicates a missing assignment.

Community Novice

Then there is new users like me.  I don't even know if the "missing" label is appearing on my students grades but I will look out for it after reading your comments!  I absolutely agree that some sort of toggle would be good.  When I enter the grades, that is when I want to be able enter "missing".  And not just "missing", but also "late" and "excused" and "absent" would be helpful.  Right now my students are not submitting online so I am entering all the grades myself and being able to record this information would help clarify why no grade is entered for a student.

Community Novice

Ah! I tried to vote on this and couldn't--but I agree with everyone else who has posted on this! Please, please, please make the "missing" optional. (But I would LOVE to have that option, perhaps just to mark an "M" like we can now do for "EX"cused.)

Community Champion

I have prepared a general feature idea to put the Missing label feature back into Beta for now; this Idea page also has all the 5 feature requests related to the Missing label that you can read and vote on. 

If you know of feature requests besides those five, let me know! Thank you! 🙂

Community Explorer

This really needs to be optional. It should definitely go away once a grade has been entered! My students are freaking out!

Community Champion

I keep telling my students to just ignore the Missing labels, but it gets harder and harder as the weeks go by and their Grades are FULL OF RED. 

I tried really hard to find a solution with Canvas Support this weekend. There is no solution in the current implementation...

Community Novice

Please allow instructors to disable the "missing" next to assignments in the grade column. I hate this!

Community Team
Community Team

This idea is relative to the Priority: Gradebook Enhancements

There were also recent updates to how the current missing/late feature exists.  For more information, please read through the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2017-09-25) .

Community Champion

This is such an issue for one particular class for which students must either attend every class or if they miss one, they have to attend a concert in the community and upload proof of their attendance.   So I use a file-upload assignment for each attendance day, marking each student in attendance 'complete' and only those not in attendance need to actually upload something.  However, because those in attendance did not upload anything it will sit in their Canvas experience screaming "missing' the rest of the semester.  I can't tell you how many times students email me multiple times being worried about that "missing" marker!

Also, this is again another idea that is similiar to other ideas on which voting is open.   I hope Canvas development has a smart enough system to notice and merge these ideas.

Community Team
Community Team

The work on late and missing policies in September and December made it possible to manually remove a missing label from an assignment.  You can read more about these updates in the following release

Community Participant

While these concerns have technically been addressed in the New Gradebook, the red "Missing" and "Late" labels can currently only be removed on a "student-by-student per assignment" basis. If interested, there is a related feature request open for voting: