Anonymous peer review

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
  Idea will be open for vote May 5th, 2015 - August 5th, 2015  Learn more about voting...


As an instructor, I'd like to have the option to assign anonymous peer reviews on assignments. In an anonymous peer review, students would know neither the name of the person whose work they are reviewing nor the name of the person who reviewed their work. Instructors would know who reviewed whose work.


transferred from the old Community

Originally Posted By: Neal Legler
Special thanks for contributions by: Stephan Deban, Lindsey Mercer, Jared Chapman



  Comments from Instructure

October 2015 Update!


Part 4 of Anonymous Peer Review is Complete

Find more information in the Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-10-10)


Glad to have you back, Shannon.  Long story short we have a whole wave of people whose browsers had cached an expired authentication token.  Clearing cookies and cache fixed the wide majority although in some cases we had to delete their saved authentication credentials from the admin side.

Community Champion

Oh yeah, I had that problem with the update in authentication.  Weird

Community Novice

I would like to be able to do anonymous peer review within groups, so that I can just grades individually for a group assignment.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi All, just want to let you know that we haven't forgotten about this and you'll see more updates in the coming releases.  Beta notes next Monday should include some preliminary API updates.

Hilary Smiley Happy

Community Novice

This is related to Peer Review, although I don't see another post specifically about this -- Some faculty members at our school have expressed an interest in being able to assess the student performing the peer review (such that the Peer Review would show up in the grade book). For them, the performance of the peer review is a great pedagogical exercise that in and of itself may merit an assessment from the instructor.

Anyone else have similar feedback?

(Also! I just accidentally pressed the back button and came back here all grumpily because I thought I would have to re-type my question. BUT! when I selected the "Add Comment" button, it asked me if I wanted to recover my drafted comment and I was so happy. WE SHOULD HAVE THIS IN CANVAS :smileylaugh: :smileylaugh:)

Community Coach
Community Coach

Sounds like a good feature idea suggestion,  @christine_mckeo ​!

Community Novice

Something similar already exists -- I was sure to comment there, too Smiley Happy

Community Coach
Community Coach

Oh cool!  I just voted.  Thanks for the link!

Community Participant

When this gets worked on, I would love to help flesh out the specs. I have been working with a variety of platforms that do this and have some specific ideas about how to move this forward in an asynchronous environment like a MOOC, independent study, or study at your own pace.

Community Novice

It would be great for students not to have any peer pressure on them when responding.  I think we would get more authentic responses.