[Assignments] Allow Multiple Submission Types on the Same Assignment

Originally submitted by Sara Wolf


Currently, instructors can choose to allow a variety of formats for assignment submission. However, when the student submits, only one type can be used, unless the student elects to resubmit the assignment. Even so, if the student resubmits the assignment, the student can no longer see his or her first submission. So, if they make a mistake, they aren't sure what need to be fixed, because they can't see what they originally submitted.


It would be helpful to have students be able to submit a file type (graphic, or URL, or word document, for example) and then be able to also use the text box feature, in the same submission, to "tell about" their assignment. Ideally, the instructor would be able to see both submission types in the SpeedGrader in a single submission, and similarly, students would be able to see both submission types in their assignment submission interface. For instance, if students have to create an image of a floor plan for a future classroom, and then provide an "annotation" of that floor plan that describes how it illustrates their teaching philosophy, having the image be visible to the teacher at the same time as the annotation would be ideal. Another example would be an assignment that requires a link to a video url and accompanying text. If the students could submit the URL to the video and fill in a text box at the same time, they would be able to take advantage of the rich content functionality in the text box submission type (that is not available to them in the assignment comments area), and teachers would be able to evaluate the link to the video and the accompanying text simultaneously in the SpeedGrader.

Community Contributor
Problem statement:

Students doing oral presentations are needing to submit both a file of their slides as well as a video of their presentation. Students can submit multiple files however we are pushing the use of Canvas Studio but they cannot upload a file and attach a Canvas Studio video. The options in this scenario are for them to put the public link from studio into their slides, complete two separate submissions, or for the instructor to create two separate assignments, one for slides and one for video. None of these workarounds are ideal considering we are pushing a Canvas product for them to use.

Proposed solution:

In the assignment submission area, allow for students to upload a file as well as attach a video from their Canvas Studio in one submission for an assignment. This will simplify the submission process for students who are needing to submit a file with their oral presentation.

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Community Participant
Problem statement:

Hi there Just wanting to request a feature for Canvas Assignments - we have some Instructors who want a physical hand in of an Assignment and the same thing submitted digitally at the same time so they can use Turn It In to check for plagiarism. It would be helpful if this was available because we are having to create two Assignments for the one task/ Thanks.

Proposed solution:

Help our teachers and students who require different submission types

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

When I create an assignment for my students, I would like them to have the option to submit it online or on paper. Currently, it only allows me to check one option.

Proposed solution:

Since some students prefer paper and others their computers, I would like to be able to click more than one submission type.

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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Member
Problem statement:

When multiple file types is chosen in Canvas assignments, there is a limit to one file. It would be useful to have a feature which allows two different files types to be uploaded ie for tasks requiring a presentation where the teacher wants to see a video as well as a written submission.

Proposed solution:

Allow multiple file types to be uploaded

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

For several assignments, I require students to submit both a file upload and a Studio video. However, Canvas does not allow students to submit multiple file types for the same assignment—they must choose one or the other. To work around this, I have students submit their Studio video and then attach their file in the comments section. Unfortunately, this prevents me from annotating feedback directly on the document within Canvas, making it less effective in providing clear and detailed guidance to students on their assignments.

Proposed solution:

My proposed solution is to modify the assignment submission settings in Canvas to allow multiple submission types—such as file uploads, media, and Studio videos—within a single assignment. This change would eliminate the need for students to attach files in the comments section and would enable instructors to provide annotated feedback on all submission types, enhancing the overall feedback process.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

At our institution (a national university), there are many assignments that require the student to submit a media file, (like a video presentation MP4), alongside a text-based file (like a transcript PDF). However, assignments that require the submission of two or more different file types (e.g. MP4 and PDF) are not easily configured in Canvas. This has caused issues for admin staff configuring the assignment submissions, students who may get confused when submitting these types of assignments, and teaching staff who struggle to understand the implications of assignment group weighting in Assignment groups with multiple drop boxes. In one example, a teacher created an assignment group for a 'Video Presentation' assessment and created two assignments to sit under this assignment group and instructed students to submit their PDF file to one assignment and their MP4 file to the other. However, the teacher was confused by Canvas' grading system and awarded 100 points to both assignments but only graded the transcript (the teacher only used the other assignment as a place for students to submit their video and did not intend to enter a grade for the MP4 submission). This led to confusion and students' complaining that their grades had been incorrectly entered in the Gradebook. Additionally, when grading these types of assignment, staff often look for the ability to review the media file and text-based file together, in SpeedGrader, to make the grading process less cumbersome, but there is not currently a way of doing this within Canvas.

Proposed solution:

To reduce confusion and simplify the process for configuring, submitting, and grading assignments that require the submission of multiple types of files, I would like the added ability to submit multiple files of different types (e.g. MP4 and PDF) submitted to one Assignment. To compliment this new ability, teaching staff would also benefit from the added ability to view these different files together on one screen in SpeedGrader. In the example of an Video Presentation Assignment, this would allow the teacher to view and grade the student's submitted video and transcript document at the same time. Both of these additional features would work to simplify the process of configuring, submitting, and grading Canvas Assignments that require the submission of two or more files of different types.

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