[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey all,

When we've talked about this type of problem in the past, we have envisioned it being solved by a solution that would also solve the problem where a teacher wants to submit on behalf of a student (Submit an assignment on behalf of a student ). The mechanism that would allow a teacher to do anything on behalf of a student (including moving assignments around, deleting them, etc.) would essentially be the same. It's a great feature idea and we would like to solve this problem. However, our immediate roadmap is overflowing with other great ideas and we will not realistically get to this feature request in the immediate future. I'm going to have to Archive this for now, but don't lose hope. This is a really solid feature request and one that deserves our attention. It won't evaporate from our minds just because it's archived right now.

Community Novice

I would say it's pretty disgusting that this is a problem for so many faculty and nothing is being done!  I will work on having our university go to another platform.  This one is just not meeting many of our needs, and this is one very large issue - not one to be "archived" and looked at after all the other "great ideas" are worked on.  Sorry, but that's not a good response!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you for the explanation, Deactivated user​.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks for the update Deactivated user​!

I'm disappointed that this feature is being archived, but for us this is more of a convenience feature than a mission critical feature. I appreciate you letting us know where things stand and that there is hope of getting this feature implemented.

Community Contributor

It's always disappointing when a good feature idea gets archived, even temporarily, but I appreciate your explaining why.

Community Contributor

Thanks for the explanation, Christi.  I can only imagine how full the roadmap is!  You all have been implementing a lot of helpful features.  I hope this will soon be one of them.

Community Contributor

Hi Cristi,

I hope this moves up on the priority queue and doesn't get forgotten. We just had an incident with our nursing program where two students submitted documents with sensitive information that needed to be deleted. We had to work through our amazingly wonderful CSM and the Dev Ops team to get the documents deleted. At a minimum, Admins need the ability to delete documents and it would be great if instructors could as well.

Community Contributor

will this be opened up for voting anytime soon? To be able to delete submissions would be an excellent feature. I say this because our students are at the primary level and at times they accidentally submit the assignment without completing it. Although we can allow multiple attempts, it does not allow us to keep the module locked for them. For example our requirement is students must at-least submit the assignment before the next module is unlocked. So even when the student has accidentally submitted an assignment it would mean the next module is unlocked.

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @h_mukaddam ​...

It already was open for voting, and it received 79 votes.  However, it was archived to to a lack of necessary votes.  See these Guides for additional information:

How does the voting process work for feature ideas?

How do I create a new feature idea?

Community Novice

This is a rather irritating issue. I have students that have submitted their assignments before they are finished. Now, they have to resubmit. So, for the three weeks they have to complete the assignment, I keep getting the message that the students have submissions that need graded. The other issue is what if the student thinks they submitted the finished assignment, but did not? If this happens and I grade the incompleted homework their grades will suffer. This is not a little deal...this is a huge inconvenience. I agree that keeping a record of submissions/deletions is important; however, please give us the ability to take care of this issue.