Auto Save Rubrics or Give Save Warning

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Several times, when grading with a rubric, I find that I have navigated away from the rubric without saving the marks. Is it possible to add a warning that the rubric markings have not been saved when I attempt to navigate away? I believe that sometimes this happens because I added comments at the bottom of the grading page, and only hit that "Submit" button, but not the Save button for the rubric. Perhaps that Submit button could take care of both the rubric and the comments? 

Community Novice

Hello, I am very frustrated as faculty grading many long doctoral papers when a small swipe on the screen to move the paper to the middle of the page often results in navigation off the student grading page.  An arrow shows up briefly and then the grading page is gone.  Then all the feedback I have left in the Rubric is lost.  After many hours of reading, editing, and leaving substantial feedback in the Rubric, it would be nice if the Rubric could auto save each time a comment is made.  This would save me a tremendous amount of time and frustration.   

Community Explorer


I'm an Instructional Designer at Rush University in Chicago and have recently had discussions with a faculty member who lost HOURS worth of work because the rubric doesn't autosave.  She inadvertently nudged to the previous student's paper and as a result lost everything.  This happened several times in one day and she was understandably annoyed. I'm sure that she is not the only victim - she is just the first one to say anything. Can we get an update as to when this fix might come, preferably before the pitchforks and torches come out for the ID team?  Thanks! peg

Community Explorer

@kyh802  - That is almost word for word the response that we got.  I'm asking my team to all post here as well as the faculty member.  Maybe strength in numbers?  Let's hope!

Thank you so much for reaching out. We recommend commenting on the post to add your institution as one that would like the highlighted rubric request. Additionally, the best strategy will be to continue upvoting the features and engaging the community and encouraging your faculty members to do so as well. Power in numbers!

To help set expectations on the general timeframe for development, I have included an article from our Community here which details the quarterly planning process which our R&D teams use to identify and execute on deliverables for roadmapping. I hope that helps to provide some additional context on the process and continued avenues that your users can advocate for their preferences moving forward.


Community Explorer

Please implement this! This is an issue that we'll never be able to train faculty enough to avoid. It's a losing battle. And clearly it's something many customers have been "failing" with for years, and we are supposed to have support for customer "success."

Community Member

I am shocked to see that this issue was first raised several years ago and Canvas has demonstrated such indifference to what appears to be an easy coding fix.

In just the past week, I have lost at least two hours of valuable time. I intend to see how many others are experiencing this on my campus and suggest a permanent plan of action. Maybe Instructure will only listen when institutions decide to walk. This would never happen with BrightSpace.

Community Explorer

Despite being 100% aware of this issue, I just lost data myself because I had been sitting on the Canvas webpage for apparently too long. After entering my marks and writing all my comments in the rubric, I clicked save and everything just disappeared. %$%^$^^%$

Great feeling when you're working on the weekend to try catch up that the last 20 minutes are down the drain.

Community Member

@kyh802 The best part of that reply is it is the same thread we are all already posting in. This is so ridiculous. I just lost an hour's work commenting on a student's presentation poster because I didn't scroll quite straight. This happens multiple times per grading session using my trackpad. Canvas is the most non-responsive organization I have ever experienced. There are other problems where work is lost, or feedback not seen by students, or the student view is different from teacher view and they cannot do what you think they can do (comment on an announcement, for instance). I've seen very few issues addressed over the years, and just get more and more frustrated.

Community Participant

I've lost work on rubrics because of accidentally navigating away, and twice now in as many days have lost rubric work because of network issues. If there connection blips away when you hit "save" you've lost all your work. Please fix this ish, Canvas! It's completely unacceptable! Close

(Interestingly, I just had a connection error when I tried to post this and guess what?! IT SAVED. This is obviously something some developers recognize as a basic feature of the internet.)

Community Member

Ridiculous that this issue has been reported over three years ago and still nothing is done about it. Shame on you Canvas

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: On Beta
  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-08-03)