Automatically Remove Missing Flag Once Grade is Entered

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For on paper or no submission assignments, if a grade is flagged as missing, but then later points are added to the gradebook, the missing flag remains.  The instructor then needs to manually remove the missing flag, even though points were assigned.  It would be great to have the missing flag automatically disappear once points were entered (signifying that it is no longer missing).  The option to have the missing automatically turn into late would be even better.

Community Member

i whole-heartedly agree. please make this an option. if we cant make this available, there should be a way to change the statuses of multiple submissions at a time rather than one at a time.

Community Member

Yes, if the status flag is auto generated when there is a no submission, then it should be reset when a score is given.

Community Member

I would like the grade book  to automatically remove the missing designation if a student  submits on paper  instead of online.  

I have students who do not have internet at home.  If I create an assignment for an online submission, they have to turn in their assignments in person during class instead of submitting online.  When I put a score in the grade book, it is still marked missing if they did not submit online.  I have to specifically remove all the missing one-by-one to have the missing removed.

Another option would be to allow both paper submission and online submission when creating an assignment, but that is not an option either.

Community Member

Please, please get rid of the "missing" tag on assignments once the assignment has been graded.

Here's an example:

1. Student didn't turn in assignment on time, so it's automatically marked with a 0 grade and "MISSING". That's fine, I want that feature. 

2. Then I go to grade it... the grade is now updated to 10/20 for example but the "MISSING" tag is still there. 

It's SOO confusing for parents, for students and for teachers. Please find a way that after the assignment is due, then a teacher puts in a grade, this goes away. 

Please I beg of you. I get 20+ emails a day from parents JUST on this issue.... 

Community Member

Please do this.  It is way to many clicks to get in to the grade detail tray to change just one student from missing.

Community Member

My point is that it doesn't make any sense for a student to have grades manually entered for an assignment and have it show up as missing to the student because they didn't submit something digitally.  Below are some examples. 

I teach middle school. Frequently students turn in work by hand when they have technical issues. I grade and enter it into Canvas but it still shows the student it is missing when they have a grade.  This also an issue when you do assignments that allow for a verity of turn-in methods, for example, a project that one method is a presentation.  These were not major as I only had to fix it for some students individually.  However, now with distance learning students are using other programs and I am entering their grades into Canvas. I leave submission types only for students who complete the assignment late and I manually enter grades for students who do it on time.  This is making all students who do there work on time and have a grade entered in the assignment show up as missing. 


Community Participant

Agree with previous comments - how does one vote for this to be updated and fixed in Canvas?

Thank you

Community Member

In addition to this, maybe someone's mentioned it... On a "submission" assignment, if I enter a score, even if a student didn't submit anything, it would be nice if it wasn't marked missing once the due date/time arrives. I can go in and manually mark something as missing if I need to, but it takes so much longer to undo a bunch of missing tags. 

Community Member

Yes, PLEASE do this.  Either allow the missing alert to go away when a score is entered by the instructor, or allow instructors to turn this feature off for an assignment, or allow mass changes in the gradebook (not individual ones - it takes FOREVER).  This is so much work for the teachers, and causes stress for students/observers. I had a conversation with the chat support and was directed here.  This seems like many people are asking for this, so why are no options being made available? 

Community Member

Yes please!