[Blueprint Courses] Compare associated courses to the Blueprint Course to identify revisions.
We rely on Blueprint courses and the association and synchronization of course content and activities. Blueprint courses are developed by our IDs and meet our quality standards, including usability and accessibility. Instructors are encouraged to "tweak" or revise the course in the live version. At the end of the term, we'd like to compare the live version to the original Blueprint to identify revisions and operationalize Blueprint revisions and management as a part of continuous quality control.
Develop a compare and contrast tool that could compare the Blueprint Course with the associated courses and report specific changes or variances.
Additional Clarity Requested 22 Mar 2023
We need a tool to identify what revisions an instructor made themself, in the live version of an associated course. The Blueprint Course is the gold standard for that course; however, instructors add or revise the course that they teach in (the associated course). We need a tool to compare the two versions. Blueprint of course xyz to the associated live version of course xyz.