Change calendar back to showing full descriptions

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

When opening the calendar until yesterday, I could see all the assignments due on one day. Now, they are condensed in an all crammed together mess of colored boxes, as I usually have at least six assignment on one day, preventing me from visualizing the various individual assignments. It looks like they tried to fit the whole month on one page, but I was fine with the way it was before only seeing a few weeks at a time, but with bigger spaces for the days to accomodate multiple assignments. A setting to change it back or to zoom in and out would be great.


  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-04-23)

Community Explorer

I share Daniel's disappointment for the reasons he mentions. Wrapping Calendar event titles is a necessity. Scott, I'm glad to hear you all are working to correct this dysfunctional change since my students need an effective and reliable Calendar at this critical time of the semester.

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @webb031 ​, Oh, I know. That was just response back from Canvas Support when I opened the ticket on behalf of my faculty. And, he really did send me a screencast of how to resize my browser window. Smiley Sad

Community Contributor

Thanks for working on this Scott.

Our faculty meet as a group to go over the weeks calendars to coordinate lesson plans and will move events around to ensure no overload on a particular day. This new view makes it extremely hard to print out and pass around or follow when put up on the projector. We need to have someone manually mouse over each event.

Community Explorer

Forgive me Scott, but are we expected to remain patient? This has been an "identified issue" for a month and a half. Is a coding glitch that difficult to find and correct? The spring semester starts in less than a week and the Calendar titles still don't wrap.

Community Novice

Just want to back up everyone's pleas for this to be fixed. It's making academics here very hot under the collar!


Hi All,

I can tell you that we are aware of this issue and are tracking it internally.   Our Product team is aware of the comments in this thread. 

One of the most important aspects of the feature idea forums is community voting helping us to prioritize work on new features and changing the way Canvas functions currently.  I elected to add this idea/suggest to the cohort that will open for vote tomorrow.  If this is an important issue for you and your colleagues, please encourage them to come vote.

Thank you,


Community Champion

No disrespect intended, but I had believed that bugs were not subject to feature idea voting.  I've seen feature idea submissions archived when they reference a bug.


Hi Rob,

No disrespect perceived.  Smiley Happy

After much deliberation back and forth internally, I moved this submission back out of the queue for tomorrow's cohort.  You are correct that we don't put bugs up for vote or ask people to vote on whether they should be fixed and instead ask users to file support tickets which are attached to the internal tracking system so that they will be notified when the issue is addressed.  I can't find any evidence that this was an intentional change on our part.

Community Novice

I would echo that comment. There has obviously been a change made, perhaps unwittingly. Changing it back should be an easy win.

Nic Bellenberg

07836 793090

Community Novice

Just to re-emphasise Mark Ellis's point we entered a ticket for this bug over a month and a half ago as well and have been regularly following this up with our Canvas contact, but every time we have been told that there has been 'no movement with this issue' and that there has been 'no comment from the engineers that this will be fixed anytime soon'. Therefore even though this has been flagged for several weeks there has been no progression and has already wasted lots of the academic teams time when it comes to planning the timetable.