Change calendar back to showing full descriptions

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

When opening the calendar until yesterday, I could see all the assignments due on one day. Now, they are condensed in an all crammed together mess of colored boxes, as I usually have at least six assignment on one day, preventing me from visualizing the various individual assignments. It looks like they tried to fit the whole month on one page, but I was fine with the way it was before only seeing a few weeks at a time, but with bigger spaces for the days to accomodate multiple assignments. A setting to change it back or to zoom in and out would be great.


  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-04-23)

Community Coach
Community Coach

Has anyone received noticed that their open Bug tickets have been tied to a JIRA


If you haven't, please update your tickets with a request that they do so.  Sorry for the extra hoops but this will help expedite the process.

Community Explorer

Scott, if techs were "working to fix it" back in November (as you claimed on 11/29/15), how is it that the problem remains and your Product Team is back to merely "tracking it internally" rather than "working to fix it"? What exactly is there to "track"? With so much useful feedback from instructors, along with their adamant encouragement to fix the problem, how can you possibly ask us "if this is an important issue"?

Community Explorer

How can such an obvious problem require "much deliberation back and forth internally"? Rather than waste time trying to determine if this mistake was intentional, just fix the broken calendar!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you. The Jira is CNVS-25348.



This issue has been identified as a bug but we do not yet have a timeline for fixing it.  I realize that changing something back to behave the way it used to logically should be simple but that isn't always the case.  I realize also that the messaging on this one hasn't appeared at efficient as we usually strive for and I apologize for that.  When we have more information, I'll post it here.


I have more information to share after speaking with members of our Product team.  They are aware of the pain this bug is causing and fixing it is at the top of their priority list to get done as soon as the engineers who could fix this are done with what they are working on currently.  When appropriate we stop working on scheduled projects to go back and fix a bug or unfortunate behavior in Canvas but in this case the work currently being done is related to accessibility which is a top priority for our company.  Rest assured that there is a plan in place.

Community Explorer

So let me get this straight. Instructure engineers have been working on an access problem for a month and a half? I am not reassured. This forum certainly offers comedic entertainment. I feel like John Cleese with his dead parrot.

Community Champion


Because this is a community, and we try our best to play nice with each other, I will simply point out that Scott said "work related to accessibility", not "an access problem".

I do not know how familiar you are with the WCAG 2.0 Web Accessibility Guidelines, but for the technical side of any website, they are rather extensive and and impact coding across the full breadth of a web application. When engaged in an activity this extensive, it also becomes very important to make sure that any changes in coding to make something more accessible, do not break something else - lots of testing, followed by lots of reworking.

As a supporter of accessible online education, I support Instructure's work in this area, and should point out that the lack of word-wrapping in the Canvas Calendar is also an accessibility issue. Since the engineers are aware, and are working I am guessing that this will get fixed.

You can learn more about WCAG 2.0 @WCAG 2.0 Guidelines


Community Coach
Community Coach

 @mwe_sci ​, I'm pretty sure by "accessibility" Scott was talking about designing products/services for Canvas users with special needs - Accessibility. And not that I wouldn't like this fixed as well, but yes, it can be very difficult to design/program things in an online environment to work with other third party accessibility programs (like JAWS) or directly from the various web browsers (key board short cuts). Smiley Wink