[Gradebook] Default Comment

When I use the grade book I like to enter zeros for work not submitted by using the "set default grade" feature. It would be very beneficial if there were also a "Set Default Comment" feature that operated in the same way. Currently I have to go back into speed grader to leave a comment. That defeats the purpose of the "Set Default Grade" feature for me. I would just enter the grade and comment at the same time in Speed Grader.


Hi  @andrew_starnes   (and everyone else who has commented on this thread),

This idea is now open for vote and will be until Dec 7th.   Thank you for participating in the feature idea process.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @andrew_starnes ​, getting support for a feature idea is always a tricky process, especially when you're trying to reach the average teacher who might not have the time or inclination to participate to the extent others do. At last count, we have well over 8,000 members in the Community, and you only need to get >100 to move the idea forward--so posting status updates in groups to which you belong would be a start. Also, I've seen some successful promotion initiatives on Twitter, and if you decide to go that route, use great tags that will attract people who otherwise might not be aware of any of this.


Hey Stefanie,

I couldn't resist...  Here are the current stats on how many community members have been active in the past 30 days:

Screenshot 2016-09-07 12.10.56.png

Community Novice

That is great feedback, thanks Stefanie!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Wow, thanks,  @scottdennis ​. I have no idea where I came up with my way-off number. Smiley Happy I should know better than to throw numbers around like that without verifying them first.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Also,  @andrew_starnes , some Community members have had some success searching for similar archived ideas and then posting a link to the new idea in the comments section of each one. That serves to notify and alert people who have shown interest in the general purview of the feature.


No worries.  You probably heard a number referring to the number of active users, that is users that have logged in and done something, usually reported in a rolling 30 day average.  As you can see in the graphic, that number about doubled this fall start.

Community Explorer

Along with the comment feature, it would be helpful if you could set the default grade to "Ex".  As a math teacher, I assign homework every night.  I don't check it every day, but do mark it as "Ex".  (I'd really love a variety of codes to enter, such as "missing" or "absent"....but that's a different request.)

Community Coach
Community Coach

Yes, I totally see the value here.  A few notes:

  • Late work policies vary and as such each instructor would need to have the capability to specify the content of the default comment
  • I see how this can tie into " modifiedtitle="true" title="Automatic zero in gradebook after a date
  • Should this idea take root and default comments in the SpeedGrader also become available (see ), we will need to endeavor to strike a balance between the benefits of automation and maintaining a faculty presence.  Certainly clicking a single button to automatically enter a string of text is a huge time saver however we also need to afford a level of personalized feedback.
Community Novice

Thanks for your feedback! For me this feature would save me time for providing feedback for assignments that were actually submitted. Here is my current scenario;

When a due date passes in my course I enter the grade of zero in speed grader and add a comment like "This assignment was due on 10/25, however the cut off date is not until 10/29 at midnight. Please submit this assignment by the cut off date for a chance to earn full credit".

If I had the set default comment feature, I could put that statement for every student who did not submit the assignment by the due date. This would allow more of my time to give constructive feedback to struggling students.

I have also found a comment of this nature to be especially helpful in situations where you have different late work policies. When you get to speed grader you see that the assignment was due and available until a certain date by having a comment of this nature. While you are grading you can see the date it was due and take of points accordingly for a late submission.

     - You usually see the due date under the assignment name, however if you have assigned something to a specific section you do not see the due date in speed grader under the assignment name (at least that is our experience in our instance).

I agree with you 100% about the balance between faculty being engaged in their course versus automation. We are also trying to figure out how to provide teachers with the most constructive features that allows them to use their time in the most productive manor.

Hopefully we can get enough votes!