[Gradebook] Message Students Who... for Grade Totals

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

I'd like to be able to use the 'message students who' function in the gradebook for more than a single assignment.  It would be useful to be able to go to the column in the gradebook for an assignment group and use the 'message students who'.  Same applies for the total grade column so teachers could after the first two weeks send out a message to all students that are under performing early enough for them to change there behavior.
We have three very similar ideas, all of which are open for voting, associated with the Message Students Who... feature, and we're grouping them here to keep Canvas Studio tidy. These are the other two:
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey Folks who have voted on this. We're working on some options for "message students who" on the final grade column. Can you please help me with some ways you would like to use this feature? Here's what we're thinking, so far:

Message student's who:

  • Have missing assignments
  • Have a grade below/above X
  • Haven't logged in the last X days

What else?


That covers what my Admins are requesting, Christi.  Thank you for your attention to this matter; I know it is very important to a large amount of our users!

Community Member

I was about to post a new feature idea, but it seems the thought I had has already been posted (in 2015)- awesome!

Any update on this?  The feature still isn't available, and it'd be an incredibly helpful communication and retention tool.


Hey  @calhoun5 ‌,

You will find a description of the Gradebook Enhancements Priority (aka development) here.  I believe the item you are interested in is currently to be found in "Phase II - Future Work."


Community Member

Thanks! The request was 2 years ago... do you know how long it takes to

see the change?

On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 3:07 PM, Scott Dennis <instructure@jiveon.com>


Hi Christeen,

No, unfortunately I cannot give you timeline information on development of this feature.  We tend to work on a given area in Canvas for a set amount of time before turning to a different area to make updates there.  Because this specific functionality is categorized for Phase II of the Gradebook Enhancements Priority that means that it might be prioritized for development as soon as they are done working on items in the current phase or it might mean that it is postponed in favor of developing other features first.

Community Participant

In my campus, we are a month from the end of the semester. I am trying, in a last ditch effort, to get in touch with those students who are failing. Make it easier for me, Canvas! Let me click on those three little red buttons! You have the technology, let me use it!


Community Participant

Offering another use case:

Just yesterday I had a faculty member who teaches a first year, large (300+ person) course call me asking if there was any way to do this--he was, of course, disappointed when I told him there wasn't. He was trying to contact all his students with Ds or Fs to remind them of the impending drop date for our institution and remind them to play with the "what if" grade feature to see if there was any way they could pass. Having the ability to use Message students who from the grade total really is a needed feature that I hope we get sooner rather than later!  


Hi  @awarmar ,

Check out the description on Analytics 2, if you haven't already: Priority: Analytics 2.  I believe it will include the functionality you are looking for.

Community Participant

Thanks,  @scottdennis ‌--we will be excited for it once it's in production.