[Gradebook Settings] Separate Late policies for individual assignments

in the new gradebook it would be great if there were separate policies for each assignment or even for each assignment group.  We have different policies for our participation than for typical assignments for example.  Having one policy for the whole course means this feature is not usable for us.

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Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified

Community Novice

Jesse, I use and love the late policy although some added features (Like this) would be nice. Could you achieve your goal by setting an until date on your assignments that are "immediate" in nature to the same as the due date? Then the student could not submit the assignment late and therefore the late policy would not apply.

Community Participant

Hi Tami,

Yes, I already employ the 'until' option to close the assignment after a specific date/time.

Community Champion

I think this could be an option integrated into the assignment group settings that already allow weighting the group and dropping grades from within the group.  Personally, I would continue to use this at the course level, or set all groups to the same settings, for simplicities sake in student communications.  (Also a penalty assigned to early low weight assignments can give students that don't read the instructions a heads up before they earn a late penalty on a larger assignment.)  It is possible to clearly communicate a policy that varies by assignment group, however, and adding that flexibility should not be a problem. 

Community Champion

Yes!  The ability to exempt specific assignments without putting them into a special assignment group is essential.

Community Champion

You might like the grace period idea in https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/14976-more-late-penalty-options as a way to delay the start of the late penalty.  Also, https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/15339-gradual-automatic-late-penalties would allow us to apply the late penalty more evenly over time.

Community Champion

I would like any assignment by assignment late penalty settings to optionally over-ride (in specific assignments) the currently available course-wide policy (not replace it), or else I'd like to see an option to auto-fill all assignments with a course wide policy once with editing available at the assignment level.  In general I either have only one or two assignments that need the policy at all, or only one or two that do NOT need the policy.  Re-entering the same policy over and over seems excessive.

Community Explorer

Please add a late-penalty option PER assignment! There are only a few in my classes that would need this.

Community Novice

Having an assignment-by-assignment functionality to the late work policy would really help us as well.

Community Member

Allow different late policies to apply to different assignment groups.  An instructor might want to be more lenient about late homework than late quizzes, for example. 


Community Member

For that matter, it would be nice to be able to set the late policy at the assignment level also.