[Modules] Back and Next buttons at top of module items

It would be very helpful if you could insert "Back" and "Next" buttons at the top of module item pages. This would eliminate the need to scroll down through long pages in order to move to the next module item. This is especially bothersome when I've minimized the size of my browser window.

It looks like three out of the four people who voted for the other idea, have now voted for this one too.  Not to make busy work but perhaps  @pchaney ​ will come vote up this idea too?

Community Contributor

I'll poke him - he's right next door.

Community Novice

It would work better for my courses as well to be able to have the next and previous available at the top.  Some of the things I have listed are for those that are absent,  and there is no need for the students that were present to scroll clear down to be able to move on.

Community Member

I agree that it would help to have these buttons at the top of a module item. It would also help if these buttons took you to the next item in the module. Now, when I am in a Page for instance, I click on next, and it goes to the next page. Or if I'm in an assignment, it goes to the next assignment. But my module may have a page, and then an assignment, and then a discussion. When I'm in the module, I want 'next' to take me from the page to the assignment to the discussion, not out of the module to another page, which appears to be what happens now.

I'm not sure if that's part of this suggestion, though it seemed to be implied in the original post.

Community Member

My bad. I tried again, and it does seem to be working the way I wanted it to. Initially I was getting a different behavior. Maybe because the course was unpublished? or I was in teacher view, not student view? I'm glad it's behaving well now, anyway. And I still agree that putting those buttons on the top would be handier for users.

Community Novice

Would also be helpful to have a "Top" and "Bottom" link inside discussion boards for those lengthy introduction topics.

Community Novice

I agree, this would be a helpful way to navigate through module pages, and yes this could be also included in Discussion Board

Community Novice

We are adding Next buttons via html to assist users (particularly on discussion boards which can become lengthy).  This requires extra work and obviously doesn't respond to rearrangements/revisions in module order.

Community Novice

YES, definitely!  If you have a full online class, it is a real pain to scroll all the way to the bottom.  This is readily evident to anyone teaching an online course.

Community Novice

I would agree with this suggestion.