[Modules] Back and Next buttons at top of module items

It would be very helpful if you could insert "Back" and "Next" buttons at the top of module item pages. This would eliminate the need to scroll down through long pages in order to move to the next module item. This is especially bothersome when I've minimized the size of my browser window.
Community Contributor

Fabulous news! Thanks  @Renee_Carney ​ for the update. This is so exciting because it's my first time voting on something and seeing it go to the development phase (I'm new to Canvas). I look forward to seeing it available in Beta and the production. I ❤️ Canvas.

Community Team
Community Team
  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


January 2016 update

This idea has been completed.  Please find more information in the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-01-30)

Community Team
Community Team


Thank you to  @kgordon  for submitting this idea, as well as,  @Sylvia_Ami ,  @hvaughn ,  @hansardc , cgaudreau,  @jacqueline_chu2 ,  @canvas_admin ,  @sshumway ,  @kadunkelberg ,  @martil29 , kocha3, Wes.Kriesel,  @marcy_goodfleis , bugs5557, and  @Jeff_F  for your contributions. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of the Canvas! Smiley Happy

Community Participant

I'm excited to see it in action!!

Community Team
Community Team

This feature was not included in the Canvas Production Release for (2016-01-30)

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Community Contributor

As originally requested, the back and next buttons need to be added at the top of each module item, not floating at the bottom.  Hopefully this will be considered in the re-tooling of this feature.

Community Champion

Does this mean our badge gets revoked. Smiley Wink 

Community Participant

Why wasn't it included?

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @hansardc ​, it ended up being a floating bar at the bottom of the page, but I think most wanted it at the top. When people tried playing around with it in Beta they got worried that there was too big of a chance of the student thinking the floating bar was the end of the page, not just floating at the bottom of the screen. There's a big conversation on it here Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-01-30) and here Canvas Beta Release Notes (2016-01-18) - make sure to go to the discussion at the bottom of the release notes.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I cannot stop laughing.... !  :smileycheck: