New Quizzes, Needs Grading Icon in Gradebook

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

When a student submits a Classic Quiz that is a mix of auto-graded and manually graded question types, that quiz appears in gradebook with the "needs grading" icon. With a New Quiz, a score for just the auto-graded questions appears in gradebook with no obvious indication that the quiz needs manual attention.

The New Quizzes behavior is confusing. And especially in large courses with multiple graders, it leads to grading errors. Instructors and teaching assistants have observed that with New Quizzes, they have to guess which quizzes need additional attention based on the score displayed. And students have repeatedly inquired to find out why their quiz scores have not been updated to reflect their work.

Please fix this behavior. New Quizzes need to unambiguously indicate in gradebook when they need additional attention from a grader. Anything less makes New Quizzes unusable for a very common use case.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open


Thank you for taking the time to share this Idea with the Community. Right now, you're correct. That icon isn't displayed, and it's likely because New Quizzes are built as an LTI. 

While I was searching to make sure that this idea hasn't been suggested before, I found this related conversation you may like: New Quizzes: Dashboard To Do 

Community Member

+1 to this request. I would expect that we direct Teachers to take a look at the gradebook spot where they need to provide grades, so a visual indicator would help out a lot!

Community Participant

NOOOOOO. Unless this feature can be built properly this time, with a way for teachers to indicate their grading is complete with one click, it should not be introduced to New Quizzes. This feature is a nightmare for large classes that use zero-point questions for rationales to MC questions or to gather information. Imagine having to enter 0s manually for 400 students so the grade can be seen and used in calculation of final grade. Do not put this mess into New Quizzes.

Community Participant

We are also finding that not only is there no "needs grading" indication, but the score is recorded as 0.

Community Explorer

Agreed. This is a must have feature!

Community Member

Yes, New Quizzes is absolutely unusable for me right now because of this issue. Since my school has rolling due dates, I either have to manually check each student's quiz on a regular (twice a week) basis, grade any new submissions or retakes, and continue that process for every. single. quiz, or simply not grade student work.

Neither of those options is tenable.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: On Beta
  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-06-22) 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Complete
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-06-22).

Community Participant

Instructure folks, when are you going to make this feature work properly, so that instructors don't have to go in and manually enter zeros for every zero-point question (rationale questions, bonus questions, etc). This is very problematic when a class has hundreds of students. This feature shouldn't even exist without a way for teachers to mark grading as complete quickly.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New