[New Quizzes] Show and Hide Quiz Results by Date

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

Allow a show/hide date range for the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses (Incorrect Questions Will Be Marked in Student Feedback)" quiz setting.

In order to maintain test security, instructors often want to limit students from viewing their quiz results until after the due date for the quiz has passed.  Currently, the correct answers can be set to be shown and hidden on given dates, but students will still be able to see the questions, their responses, incorrect answers, and feedback prior to this date, and if an instructor wants students only to be able to see their results but not correct answers, the only way to do this is to uncheck the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" option then manually go back and enable it once the due date (or other chosen date) has passed.

Please add a date range selector like the one that is there for Let Students See the Correct Answers: 

Screenshot of the quiz settings with date range selector for the Let Students See Their Quiz Results option

Community Member


My sincerest condolences for your school choosing Canvas over D2L. I have not worked with D2L, but you have summarized my experience in the past few years with Canvas, and honestly many other faculty across the globe.

It has reached a point that I don't think they even care for the quality of their product or simply there are too many issues that they cannot handle it. I believe the product, even though has some good merits, has been distributed immaturely. 

The interesting thing is that recently they have even removed the button for the users to report any bugs or flaws (or as they call it suggest an "idea"), or they have hidden it under multiple layers that it cannot be found very easily. Frankly as you have noticed, it is not really worth the faculty or staff's valuable time to post and report any bugs or flaws.

Anyway welcome to our world my friend....I am very sorry for your loss.....of D2L!


Community Participant


I'm glad I'm not stranded in this boat alone!  Thanks for that witty comment that brought a smile to face! 

I'm definitely not sure why Canvas is missing so much basic functionality that, from what I can gather from the dates at which these lacking features have been brought to the attention of Canvas, have been known to them for many years and in one case, 6 years (not able to release specific content in modules at a certain date).  I'm sure the development of an LMS is complicated but it's not like many of these features are new to the world of LMS.  They are in fact features found in their competitors' products.  Canvas needs to assess the number and quality of staff they have in their development group if they can't keep up with the needs of their users.  I for one will continue to emphasize to my university that Canvas is sadly an inferior product to D2L based on my first impressions.  

I honestly want Canvas to be awesome and I wish the people at Canvas had some similar level of passion!

Community Member

@The_Viking to avoid causing email traffic for people on this thread, let's keep in touch via email. Mine is htavana@fiu.edu

Hey Canvas. I have another "idea" to add to your 4000+ unattended cases:

- Allow members to reply to each other in private so it does not generate a notification for everybody on a thread.

- If you had not removed the "Suggest an Idea" button, I could have thrown this idea in your "idea dumpster" as well.

- What happened to the upvote button?

Oh well...............


Community Participant

This is an option that would greatly benefit a lot of faculty.  I have a number that call the lack of this feature as a deal breaker for them switching to New Quizzes.

Community Explorer

I would add to this that it is not possible to change the option to allow students to see results from the Canvas app.

I have set it up so students do not see the correct answers; I have to manually go in and change that setting once they have all finished the quiz.

But I cannot do this from  my phone as the Canvas app does not allow this.  Another suggestion: given this problem make it changeable from the app

Community Explorer

What is the point of commenting or posting ideas?  Does anyone from Canvas even read this?  This idea was submitted over 3 years ago.  It's a great idea, clearly with a lot of support from teachers , yet we are all just sitting here WAITING, and WAITING, and WAITING.  For what?  I feel like I will be retired before Canvas makes the changes that teachers want to see.

Why is this taking so long???  Add the feature already and let's move forward!




Community Champion

This is a MUST HAVE for us! We need that security setting! We set up tests for some highly confidential departments that need this feature and DEPEND on it!!!

Community Member


Community Member

Id like to add my voice to this idea. Taking this function away does not help transitioning from the old quizzes to the New Quiz. New Quiz feels like a downgrade without this function. 

Community Member

I was able to use the following as a temporary workaround:

  1. Go to Canvas course
  2. Click Quizzes
  3. Click the quiz I want to hide results
  4. Click Build
  5. Click Settings
  6. Toggle Restrict student result view
  7. Uncheck Show points awarded and Show points possible
  8. For me, I did checkmark Show items and questions, Show student response, but unchecked everything else.