[Reports] Add email bounce count to the Communication Channel API
Frequently email addresses used in Canvas bounce emails while admin are completely unaware this is happening.
Possible causes:
- people start using other email addresses and close the previous one
- people change email addresses because their name changed because of marriage
- people change jobs, the old address is terminated and a new one created
- the university disables the university student email account for inactive students
- new mail is rejected because the mailbox completely full
- etc.
Currently Canvas does not (yet) offer a way to proactively identify these problems, while teachers assume all their students receive notifications of e.g. announcements, assignments, etc. as configured in the notification settings.
Suggested solution
Let Canvas keep a record of every bounce email returned when sending notification emails to users and when using the Communication Channels API return the value "bouncing" (or a better word) in the "workflow_state" field of the related user.
Edit: Canvas already stores a bounce count per communication channel (see bounce_count https://portal.inshosteddata.com/docs#communication_channel_fact), this field should be added to the Communication Channels API.